We live in Thessaloniki, Greece and we are members of the ecological movement of the city, critical supporters of the European Greens and of course rock music fans. We created this blog with the ambition to collect as many lyrics of rock music songs that refer to ecology and environment as possible. We also put link for direct listening when this is possible.We prefer to add our comments to each song (about their history, their content, their connection to related ecological movements or ecological thought currents and so on) but we also cite widely accepted comments from places like wikipedia or allmusic, to support our views.
We would apreciate (in fact we encourage!) any visitor who has something more to say, or to add forgotten or not so popular lyrics, or to report broken ling for direct listening of a song. We also welcome comments on the proposed connections of the lyrics with the various aspects of ecological thought. We've made a start with the decade of 60s and we try to cover any decade of rock history.