the above cartoon was created by Ben Heine
There's the stillness of death on a deathly, unliving sea,
And the motor car magical world long since ceased to be,
When the Eve-bitten apple returned to destroy the tree.
Incestuous ancestry's charabanc ride,
Spawning new millions, throws the world on its side.
Supporting their far-flung illusion, the national curse,
And those with no sandwiches, please get off the bus.
The excrement bubbles, the century's slime decays;
And the brainwashing government lackeys would have us say,
It's under control and we'll soon be on our way.
To a grand year for babies and quiz panel games
Of the hot hungry millions you'll be sure to remain.
The natural resources are dwindling and no one grows old,
And those with no homes to go to, please dig yourselves holes.
We wandered through quiet lands, felt the first breath of snow.
Searched for the last pigeon—slate grey, I've been told.
Stumbled on a daffodil,
Which she crushed
In the rush;
Heard it sigh,
And left it to die.
At once felt remorse and were touched by the loss of our own,
Held its poor broken head in her hands,
Dropped soft tears in the snow,
And it's only the taking that makes you what you are.
Wond'ring aloud, will a son one day be born
To share in our infancy,
In the child's path we've worn?
In the aging seclusion of this earth,
That our birth
Did surprise—
We'll open his eyes.
Poetic lyrics about a furure environmental destruction and civilisation collapse caused by human actions based on false and rotten but well enstablished in their minds nationalistic and religious imaginaries: eternal expansion of a nation/race, eternal births and uncontrolled increase of population based on oldfashioned relligious beliefs, class/racial/national/relligious discriminations, etc. Those concepts also controll and shape the form of technology humans choose to invent and use in order to "serve" and fullfill them.
But the survivors don't learn anything and they try to rebuild their civilization as they knowed it: An elit of rich and superior at the expense of millions of poor died in starvation. Such a vision is not so far from reality when people have not changed their minds even before a global disaster. Unfortunatelly, survivors will reproduce the same exploitative societies and ideologies in a similar way every social revolution (from the ancient past or even our recent years) simply reproduces another version of the same political status of people division and human exploitation.
In the end, Ian Anderson seems to vision the birth of a new Messiah that will open our eyes.
You can hear this song in youtube
and thanks to anonymous a cover of this song by Sossity
29 August, 2008
"Wond'ring Again" by Jethro Tull, Album: Living in the Past (1972)
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:10 AM
Ετικέτες 70s decade, folk rock, Jethro Tull
28 August, 2008
"Traffic Jam" by James Taylor, Album: JT (1977)
This traffic jam,
How I hate
To be late.
It hurts my motor to go so slow.
This traffic jam,
Time I get home my supper'll be cold.
This traffic jam.
Well, I left my job about 5 o'clock,
It took 15 minutes go three blocks—
Just in time to stand in line,
With the freeway looking like a parking lot.
{Repeat Chorus}
Now, I almost had a heart attack—
Looking in my rear view mirror.
I saw myself the next car back,
Looking in the rear view mirror,
'Bout to have a heart attack.
I said . . .
{Repeat Chorus}
Now, when I die I don't want no coffin;
I've thought about it all too often.
Just strap me in behind the wheel
And bury me with my automobile.
{Repeat Chorus}
Now, I used to think that I was cool,
Running around on fossil fuel.
Until I saw what I was doing—
Was driving down the road to ruin.
Great lyrics about our strong real or mental dependence from cars in transportation and our mobility and the consequent causes of loss of time in traffic jam, aggression, stress, and degenerative diseases like heart failures. Artist do sarcasm about this addiction expressing a wish to be burried when dead with his car. Many years later, another band, Rage Against the Machine, will sung similarly that cars will be our wheel-chairs putting this problem in a global political context of oil dependance, global pollution and eternal war conficts for the controll of oil production territories.
Many researches show that cars devour too much of our leisure time not only in everyday traffic jam but also in search of parking, on the way to service station, to pay the related taxes, fines, insurances etc. They produce many accidents, deaths and permanent injuries. They occupie free space by making big roads at the expense of free mobility for pedestrians, or as obstacles when parked to people with mobility disfunctions, etc. So to speak the real total cost in our health, life, money and time by using every day our cars is not perceived easily in its integrity.
You can hear a cover of this song by Don Haren in Youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:08 AM
Ετικέτες 70s decade, blues, country rock, folk rock, James Taylor
27 August, 2008
Two songs by Malvina Reynolds supporting environmental activism of specific issues
"Skagit Valley Forever" by Malvina Reynolds, (1970)
There's a fine green valley not far from Vancouver,
Home of the black bear, the marten and the cougar.
It's the tree rich valley where the Skagit River flows,
A home for God's creatures since Heaven only knows.
Skagit Valley, Skagit Valley,
Ray Williston is selling you away.
Skagit Valley, Skagit Valley,
They would turn you to a mud pond
To run the Coca Cola coolers in Seattle, U.S.A.
Well, the parks are getting fewer, the trees are getting thin,
The cities are all reaching out to take the wildwood in.
The world is getting poorer with every mile they clear,
And they're selling Skagit acres for five dollars fifty cents a year.
Oh my sisters and my brothers in this shining northern land,
It's time to get together and take each other's hand,
And ring around the wilderness to keep the gangs away
Who would ravage our sweet country for a shameful pocketful of pay.
Skagit Valley, Skagit Valley,
No grabber will get you for a prize.
Skagit Valley, Skagit Valley,
We'll let no vandal drown you,
We'll keep you as we found you,
British Columbia's forest paradise.
When Malvina was a guest on Art Finley’s radio program in Vancouver, B.C., Art told her about a demonstration the next day against the flooding of Skagit Valley. She wrote the song, but because she was on tour and couldn’t stay to sing it, a local singer did instead.
"Alcatraz (Pelican Island)" by Malvina Reynolds (1969)
It was Pelican Island,
When the Bay was clean.
The birds on the flyway
Used to make the scene.
And the Rock was green.
We don't need that plastic jazz.
Give us the island the way it was
When the Indians had their day.
Who needs an Astrodome
In San Francisco Bay!
Sad Rock, cruel Rock
To the souls of men,
Must it be a painted rock
From the five and ten,
Miserable again?
They call it real estate,
That's all they can see,
Wild creatures called it home
That's how it could be,
A joy to you and me.
Do your stuff in Dallas,
New York and Abilene.
We've got hot shots of our own
Messing up the scene;
Leave our Bay serene.
Now the Indians claim the Rock
Just a grain of sand
To the wilds we robbed them of
Their ancestral land.
Red Brother, take your stand!
We don't need that plastic jazz,
Let's see the Island the way it was.
When the Indians have their day
We'll cheer that Council Fire
In San Francisco Bay!
After the federal prison closed, developers had plans for the island. A group of Native Americans occupied it in 1969 in protest, and Malvina quickly penned an appropriate song of support. It has now been left a historic park.
Comments were taken from the dedicated to Malvina Reynolds site
A song performed by Malvina in youtube:
Turn around
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
12:54 PM
1 σχόλια
Ετικέτες 60s decade, 70s decade, folk rock, Malvina Reynolds
26 August, 2008
“Plan It Earth" by Richard Sinclair, Album: Caravan of Dreams (1992)
Another year,
Another lap around the sun for planet earth.
To keep this rock on spinning,
Never ending, just beginnings.
For future generations' children,
Let's plan it—Earth.
Common sense and understanding
Should be found by everyone.
We should be planting trees
And helping 'third world nations' from their knees,
Little children, free and well-fed . . .
Let's plan it—Earth.
I sit at traffic lights and turn my engine off;
Unleaded fuel,
Recycling should be the rule.
Help all those threatened, endangered creatures to survive;
Air, land and sea
Should remain poison-free.
Long may green reign.
If you plan to land
Feet first, upright, with your script complete,
Remember, too much alcohol
And self-indulgent, 'mind-expanding' practises
Just won't be useful . . .
Let's plan it—Earth;
Plan it Earth . . .
Plan it Earth . . .
Plan it Earth/Planet Earth: Playing with words, ex-Caravan member R. Sinclair advices us to apply, as logical beings we claim we are, the proper and correct plans for planet Earth. That’s the only way for preserving our planet earth healthy and alive for future generations.
You can hear a song from this album in youtube
Going for the song
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
9:29 AM
1 σχόλια
Ετικέτες 90s decade, progressive rock, Richard Sinclair
25 August, 2008
Album: "Gaia" by Olivia Newton John (1994)
I am your mother--born of the sun
I gave you shelter--what have you done?
Your heart's in turmoil--my world's in pain
I need to turn you back home again
I am a woman--I am the rain
And like your father--I feel the betrayed
What you are doing--can be undone
You know the answers--tell everyone
Respect me
Respect me
I need you to protect me
For it is you not me
Whose fate's in jeopardy
Respect me
Respect me
I need you to protect me
For it is you not me
That's the part you fail to see
I am the forest--now I'm a tree
The air is dirty--I cannot breathe
My streams run empty--my tears run dry
My children call me--don't let us die
Respect me
Respect me
I need you to protect me
For it is you not me
Whose fate's in jeopardy
Respect me
Respect me
I need you to protect me
For it is you not me
That's the part you fail to see
I love my children and I've been your home
But I'll survive this--if I'm alone
I'm survivor--but you will be gone
Let's start a new world--from this day on
Respect me
Respect me
I need you to protect me
For it is you not me
Whose fate's in jeopardy
Respect me
Respect me
I need you to protect me
For it is you not me
That's the part you fail to see
For it is you not me
That's the part you fail to see
Oh respect me
Oh respect me
I need you to protect me
For it is you not me
That's the part you fail to see
We read in wikipedia Olivia’s statement about this song:
Gaia is the spirit of Mother Earth. She is the giver of dreams and the nourisher of plants and young children. This song came to me at 3:00 AM on a cold winters morning in Byron Bay and I was compelled to write and finish it. I feel the spirit of Mother Earth spoke to me
Silent ruin
Wash the blood from my hands
Take the pain from my heart
I just can't understand
What it is that we do
What's the thread running through
The heritage of man
How can I justify to my child what we're doing
When I can't explain it myself
And if I close my eyes to the wild silent ruin
Then I'm just like everyone else
And I cry for their beauty; I cry for their pain
And I cry that my child may not see them again
Will I leave her a legacy she's being denied
Oh I pray that we will when I kiss her goodbye
How can I justify to my child what we're doing
When I can't explain it myself
And if I close my eyes to the wild silent ruin
Then I'm just like everyone else
Oh I dream of a time in the future
When we can renurture the damage we've done
For although there's a dark side to all human nature
Our true selves are born in the sun
Our true selves are born in the sun
Please explain to me what we have done
Another song about artist’s concern for nature devastation and future generations’ heritage. We read in wikipedia Olivia’s statement about this song:
The first song that I have ever been asked to write was for a powerful and frightening documentary "The Last Whale", I feel this is the plight of all the planets creatures and I changed whale to wild for the album
Don't cut me down
I'm tall I need room to grow
I need the sun in my eyes
My home is the earth below
One day I know I will touch the sky
Don't cut me down
For I am innocent
Don't cut me down
I am your friend
I sigh when the four winds blow
I cry when the cool rains fall
I shine in the moonlight's glow
I am a home for the great and small
Don't cut me down
For I am innocent
Don't cut me down
I am your friend
Give me a year
A year another year
It takes me time for new life to appear
You cut me down
Quicker than I can regrow
Give me a chance
I am the air you breathe
Imagine what life would be without me
I have been here
Longer than you have you know
Harvest the seeds you sow
Don't cut me down
For I am innocent
Don't cut me down
I am your friend
I'm tall I need room to grow
I need the sun in my eyes
My home is the earth below
One day I know I will touch the sky
Don't cut me down
For I am innocent
Don't cut me down
I am your friend
For I will never mend
Don't cut me down
I am your friend
We read in Wikipedia Olivia’s statement about this song:
It reflects my ongoing feelings for the old growth forests that are so threatened by man
You can hear some songs from this album in youtube:
Don’t cut me down
No other love
Not Gonna Give Into
Do you feel
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
9:36 PM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, country rock, folk rock, Olivia Newton John, pop
24 August, 2008
"Clear Blue Skies" Crosby Stills Nash, Album: American dream (1988)
Clear blue skies—not too much to ask for;
They were here before we came;
Will they be here when we're gone?
Clean water—not too much to hope for;
It's the basis of our lives,
And without it we are done.
Well, we can keep our eyes upon the skies
And see how the time goes by,
Or we can find our fears
Among the tears
That fall when the meadows cry, cry, cry . . .
Clear ideas—much too much to think of;
We need all the help we can get,
(And I know) we need all the time that we've got;
(And I know) we need all the love we can give . . .
It will be here when we're gone (clear blue skies)
It will be here when we're gone
Clear blue skies . . .
Wondering about the bad use of nature by humans, even when they pollute vital life sources like water.
you can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
9:19 PM
Ετικέτες 80s decade, ballad, Crosby Stills Nash
22 August, 2008
“Burned By The Fire We Make” by Adrian Belew, Album : Here (1994)
And when Man gained dominion
over land and the oceans
he began to harm the planet
with his asphalt and his toxins
and to lay the forest bare
and to poison even the air
and he killed every beast
and taught the seas how to bleed
Burned by the fire we make,
what a shame
Then the winds gave in
and the rain knew no season
and the sun came to beat
on a land of sand and diseases
and when God looked down
on the earth and saw it was broken
then the tears of God fell down
through a hole in the ozone
Burned by the fire we make
what a shame
This is the nature of the human race
to kill off anything that gets in our way
poor Mother Earth we disfigured her face
Man is the maker of his own disgrace
Burned by the fire we make
what a shame
Great lyrics that shows us what human really does to planet and consequently to himself. We get burned by the fire we make because we are too immature to control ourselves. Technology is thus like a gun found by a baby who starts playing with it shooting everywhere, even towards him
You can hear a song from this album in youtube:
I see you
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:05 AM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, Adrian Belew, pop, progressive rock
21 August, 2008
"Drilling - Yes or No" by ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) (2002)
People vying for their rights
Getting ready for their fight
Oh what will they do
When the arguments are through
Drilling issues we've gotta face
We're divided in the race
From this point where does it go
Is it Drilling - Yes or No
We can't forget the Terror
That brought us all together
We raised our flags and sang the songs
The adversity made us strong
Drilling issues we've gotta face
We're divided in the race
From this point where does it go
Is it Drilling - Yes or No
Now the facts are all in
We'll all lose or win
Hear the voice
Of the people call
Let's decide to break down the wall
Cause united we stand - divided we fall
Our world resource is running dry
America's future looks to you and I
To make the choice - To Drill The Land
Again united we must stand
Drilling issues we gotta face
Take a stand now in this race
Let's decide responsibly
To keep America free
A song that deals with environmental issues but urges us to put environment aside in favour of nationalistic ideals in the sociopolitical context of war against terrorism after the 9/11 tragedy. The song supports the destruction of a national natural refuge in Alaska for oil extraction in order to end USA's suspension from Mid East oil and maybe restrict their military-political interests in this area .
But we think that either is a propaganda song or at least affected by such a propaganda. USA is the greatest polluter in the planet and because is has the greatest political power, has also the impudence not to sign or comform to international environmental protocoles (Rio, Kyoto) subverting any efforts to reverse the climatic change. Any decision or policy that supports and continues an oil-based economy or way of life is a dead end for all the planet, no matter if the oil deposits in Alaska are enough for USA's independence from gas imports. For the ANWR drilling controversy read in wikipedia related article
Also ANWR is a wildlife refuge where indigenous people (indian and eskimo tribes) live in harmony with nature suspending their life and economy in sensitive natural resources (hunting caribous, fishing, etc) We read about in wikipedia here and here:
The Alaska Inter-Tribal Council, which represents 229 Native Alaskan tribes, officially opposes any development in ANWR.[38] In March 2005 Luci Beach, [39] the executive director of the steering committee for the Native Alaskan and Canadian Gwich’in tribe (a member of the AI-TC), during a trip to Washington D.C., while speaking for a unified group of 55 Alaskan and Canadian indigenous peoples, said that drilling in ANWR is "a human rights issue and it's a basic Aboriginal human rights issue."[40] She went on to say, "Sixty to 70 percent of our diet comes from the land and caribou is one of the primary animals that we depend on for sustenance." The Gwich'in tribe adamantly believes that drilling in ANWR would have serious negative effects on the calving grounds of the Porcupine Caribou herd that they partially rely on for food. [41]
A part of the Inupiat population of Kaktovik, and 5,000 to 7,000 Gwich’in peoples feel their lifestyle would be disrupted or destroyed by drilling.[42] The Inupiat from Point Hope, Alaska recently passed resolutions [43] recognizing that drilling in ANWR would allow resource exploitation in other wilderness areas. The Inupiat, Gwitch'in, and other tribes are calling for sustainable energy practices and policies. The Tanana Chiefs Conference (representing 42 Alaska Native villages from 37 tribes) opposes drilling, as do at least 90 Native American tribes. The National Congress of American Indians (representing 250 tribes), the Native American Rights Fund as well as some Canadian tribes also oppose drilling in the 1002 area.
Support from the chiefly Inupiat Eskimo residents of the village of Kaktovik, located in area 1002, is cited as one of the reasons for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.[44] Sixty-eight villagers responded to a 2000 survey paid for by the state of Alaska with a $25,000 grant to educate the town on ANWR, fifty-three of whom strongly agreed or agreed that "The coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge should be open to oil and gas exploration."[45]
In May 2006 a resolution was passed in the village of Kaktovik calling Shell Oil Company "a hostile and dangerous force" which authorized the mayor to take legal and other actions necessary to "defend the community."[46] The resolution also calls on all North Slope communities to oppose Shell owned offshore leases unrelated to the ANWR controversy until the company becomes more respectful of the people.[47] Mayor Sonsalla says Shell has failed to work with the villagers on how the company would protect bowhead whales which are part of Native culture, subsistence life, and diet.[47]
Caribou is traditionally a major component of their diet. Many Gwichʼin people are dependent on the Porcupine caribou which herd calves on the coastal plain in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Gwichʼin people have been very active in protesting and lobbying against the possibility of oil drilling in ANWR, due to fears that oil drilling will deplete the population of the Porcupine Caribou herd which they rely on for nutritional and cultural needs. Gwich'in have also actively protested the development of oil in the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, and a proposed land trade from the United States Wildlife Refuge system and Doyon Inc..

you can hear a sample of this song or order it in ANWR band's website. No matter that it gives predecence to patriotism over the environment its a beautiful song
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:26 AM
Ετικέτες 00s decade, ANWR, blues rock/boogie
20 August, 2008
”Why You'd Want To Live Here” by Death Cab For Cutie, Album: The Photo Album (2001)
I'm in Los Angeles today: It smells like an airport runway.
Jet fuel stenches in the cabin and lights flickering at random.
I'm in Los Angeles today:
Garbage cans comprise the medians of freeways always creeping
even when the population's sleeping.
And I can't see why you'd want to live here.
I'm in Los Angeles today:
Asked a gas station employee if he ever had trouble breathing
and he said, "It varies from season to season, kid."
It's where our best are on display:
motion picture actors' houses maps are never ever current,
so save your film and fifteen dollars.
And I can't see why you'd want to live here,
Billboards reach past the tallest buildings,
"We are not perfect
but we sure try" as UV rays "degradate" our youth with time.
The vessel keeps pumping us through this entropic place
in the belly of the beast that is Californ-i-a,
I drank from the faucet and I kept my receipt
for when they weigh me on the way out (here nothing is for free).
The greyhounds keep coming dumping locusts into the street
until the gutters overflow and Los Angeles thinks,
"I might explode someday soon."
It's a lovely summer's day
I can almost see a skyline through a thickening shroud of egos.
Is this the city of angels or demons?
And here the names are what remain: stars encapsulate the golden lame
and they need constant cleaning for when the tourists begin salivating.
And I can't see why you'd want to live here.
Billboards reach past the tallest buildings,
You can't swim in a town this shallow
because you will most assuredly drown tomorrow.
A song that wonders what attracts people to be gathered in big polluted cities and live a life with stress, health problems, with no sign of future improvement of their condition.
You can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:39 AM
Ετικέτες 00s decade, Death Cab For Cutie, pop
19 August, 2008
Album: "Νation" by Sepultura ( 2001)
One Man Army
Your Green Is For Money
My Green Is For Land
Shut Off My Eyes
Clog Up My Ears
Cut Off My Tongue
You'll Still Hear Me Coming
My Blood Is Thicker
My Pain Will Rise
Boycott My Ideas
Fueled With The Hate I Feel
Infiltrated With The Lies
That You're Feeding Me
One Man Army
Our Strength's Your Weakness
Our Truth's Your Lies
Shut Off My Eyes
Clog Up My Ears
Cut Off My Tongue
You'll Still Hear Me Coming
Surrounded By Mistrust
Trapped In Your Mind
All You Hear Is - What You Fear And
All You Fear Is - What You Don't Know
All You Know Is - What You See
And What You See Won't Last Forever
One Man Army
Our Truth Will Echo And Echo Forever
Tormenting You Forever And Ever
You'll Still Hear Me Coming Through To You
Boycott My Ideas
Fueled With The Hate I Feel
Infiltrated With The Lies
That You're Feeding Me
One Man And I'm Coming For You
A song that refers generally in the hidden power of the masses through unity. The first two verses that we have chosen as our blog favourite motto (see the right column) leads us to interprete the song as a threat of mass awake of repressed or displaced indigenous people in rainforests. But it could be a motto for general used by eco-activists when in unity they face or confront politics and policies based on greed that destroy environment and life quality.
A Nation Built On Sweat
A Nation Built On Blood
A Nation Built On Dreams
Before The Tongues Are Mute
Before They Hide The Truth
We'll Be The Ones Who Speak
A Nation - A Nation
A Struggle - A Struggle
A Weapon - A Weapon
Our Music!!!
One Mantra - One Mantra
One Prayer- One Prayer
One Belief - One Belief
All Gods!!!
We See Without Our Eyes
We Walk Without A Path
We Fight With Unity
Search For A Better Way
Change What's Been Done Before
Make Our Own History
Rise Up, Rise Up
Resistance Won't Be Stopped
Rise Up, Rise Up
Rise, Rise
Corruption Undisguised
Rise, Rise
Confronting With Our Minds
Destroying All The Lies
Unmasked By Purity
Burning The Eyes Of Greed
No Fear, No Disbelief
Our Faith Is Your Misery
A Nation - A Nation
A Struggle - A Struggle
A Weapon - A Weapon
Our Music!!!
One Mantra - One Mantra
One Prayer- One Prayer
One Belief - One Belief
All Gods!!!
Rise Up, Rise Up
Resistance Won't Be Stopped
Rise Up, Rise Up
Rise, Rise
Corruption Undisguised
Rise, Rise
One Nation Above All
Founded On Our Faith
Border Wars
Where Am I To Go? What Do I Have To Do?
Borders All Around Me, There's No Chance For
A Choice
Born In This World In A War Stricken Land
I Will Do What I Have To Do And Go Where I Can
The Walls That We Build We Are Taking Them
Imaginary Lines Of Corruption And Greed
The Walls That We Build We Are Taking Them
Overpopulation Isn't Just An Excuse
Searching For A Place Where I Can Have My Own
Everywhere Around Me There's Death In The Air
I Wanna Find A Way To Make A Change In My Life
I Will Do What I Have To Do And Fight Till The
The Walls That We Build We Are Taking Them
Imaginary Lines That Won't Allow Us To Live
The Walls That We Build We Are Taking Them
Denying All The Rules And All Their Abuse
No, No - It Won't Be This Way
No, No - Can't Be Their Way
Pride, Pride - They Won't Blur Our Pride
I, I - Must Stay Alive
Looking For The Ground To Build A Home That Is
They Make The Planet Small And They Have No
Everywhere You Go They Have An Eye On Your
I Will Run Where I Have To Run And Hide Where I
The Walls That We Build We Are Taking Them
Exploring Different Fields So We Grow In Our
The Walls That We Build We Are Taking Them
Exploiting All The Lies To Defend Our Own Kind
No, No - It Won't Be This Way
No, No - Can't Be Their Way
Pride, Pride - They Won't Blur Our Pride
I, I - Must Stay Alive
Border Wars
One More Crime
Crossing Lines
Trapped Inside
State Of Mind
Never Blind
Fate Untied
No, No - It Won't Be This Way
No, No - Can't Be Their Way
Pride, Pride - They Won't Blur Our Pride
I, I - Must Stay Alive
Border Wars
One More Crime
Crossing Lines
Trapped Inside
State Of Mind
Never Blind
Fate Untied
Who Must Die?
Who Decides Who Lives In This World?
Who Decides Who Dies In This World?
More Efficient Ways Of Execution
This Is Not A Type Of Resolution
Who Dares To Throw The First Rock?
Who Believes In Justice Being Done?
More Efficient Ways To Confess
We Got To Know The Truth No Less
Premeditated, Calculated, Precise
Created Cases Based On Races
Exchanging Life For Lies
Who Denies The Right To Defend?
Who Decides What Crime Is A Sin?
This Is Not A Way To Convict
It's Just Another Way To Conflict
Who Provides The Time For A Chance?
What Case Will Fall In Wrong Hands?
More Efficient Ways To Confess
We Got To Know The Truth No Less
Murder - In The First Degree
Murder - It's Only Revenge
Murder - Why , Why
Are We So Righteous To Declare That One Must
Premeditated, Calculated, Precise
Created Cases Based On Races
Exchanging Life For Lies
Murder - In The First Degree
Murder - It's Only Revenge
Murder - Why , Why
Are We So Righteous To Declare That One Must
Examples Being Made, In A Way Creating An
Endless Cycle Of Violence
Have We Become What We've Hated Most About
When Mistakes Are Being Made, Who Is Going To
Be The One To Blame?
Who Is Gonna Pay That Final Price?
Who Will Pay The Final Price?
Are We So Righteous To Declare That One Must
So You Want A Nation?
Your Very Own Nation
Push The Machine Aside
Many Have Tried
We Have Always Been There
We Will Always Be There
Making Sure You Need Us
And Feed Us
We Got The Money
We Got The Power
We Got The Guns
We Got Tv
You Are Our Livestock
We Make You Love It
Slave And Dream For Escape
But Scared To Death Of Change
Want To Hear My Speech?
Want To Share My Thoughts?
Protest! Protest!
...Come Now
Is It Worth The Hassle?
Worth All Your Precious Time?
You'll Grow Old, You'll Give Up
We Farm You
We Milk You
Your Energy's For Us To Drain
Office, Sweatshop, Plantation, The Same
I Know We Can Survive Our Choice
I Know We Can Be What We Want To Be
I Know We Can Survive
I Know We Will Survive
The Only Game We Know
We Must Have More And More
Make More, Take More
Control More
You Are Our Marketplace
Not A Community
No Subcommandante Ski-Mask
Will Lead You To No Promised Land
Want To Hear My Speech?
Want To Share My Thoughts?
Protest! Protest!
Sepultura's album "Nation" talks about the consequences of the creation of Nations. Cheated by visions of independence and social and racial equality, peace, etc that were turned quickly to lies, a once free and multicultural territory is enclosed by borders and forced to adopt a uniform culture of "progress" (urbanization and industrialization), or to be eliminated or reduced to a repressed b-class ethnic minority. Nationalistic ideologies (one state, one nation/culture/race: verses: created cases based on races in song who muast die) are still a cause of many local wars and conflicts, not only in Third World where cultural diversity is strong, but even in Europe.
The cause of such a historical evolution was the new exploitative economical system that has prevailed since 19th century, Capitalism, that replaced the oldest multicultural imperiums in Europe and is behind the fake independence of states of the previous colonies in Africa, Latin Amecica, Asia and Pacific territories.
The songs Sepulnation and Border wars talk about cheated people by falsified dreams who they contributed (even giving their blood in wars of independence, or in border wars) to creation of nations and then they were persecuted of put aside in misery.
The song Who muast die acuses the "right" to kill in the name of a nation or an ideology by authorities and generally the capital punishment.
The song Politricks (lyrics by Jello Biafra) talks about the uniform culture of progress (urbanization, industrialization, consumerism) multicultural people are forced to adopt and submit (generally by uniform education and language to impose and enstablish the uniform nationalistic ideals) in order to be easily manipulated by economical elites and authorities.
you can hear some songs from this album in youtube
Border Wars
One man Army
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
9:29 AM
Ετικέτες 00s decade, groove, heavy metal, Sepultura
14 August, 2008
"Kyoto now!" by Bad Religion, Album: Process of belief (2001)
Its a matter of prescience -no, not the science fiction kind
Its all about ignorance, and greed, and miracles for the blind
The media parading, disjointed politics
Founded on petrochemical plunder, and were its hostages
If you stand to reason youre in the game
The rules might be elusive but our pieces are the same
And you know if one goes down we all go down as well
The balance is precarious as anyone can tell
This worlds going to hell
Dont allow this mythologic hopeful monster to exact its price
Kyoto now!
We cant do nothing and think someone else will make it right
You might not think it matters now but what if you are wrong
You might not think theres any wisdom in a fucked up punk rock song
But the way it is cannot persist for long
A brutal sun is rising on our sick horizon
Its in the way we live our lives
Exactly like the double edge of a cold familiar knife
And supremacy weighs heavy on the day
Its never really what you own but what you threw away
And how much did you pay?
Dont allow this mythologic hopeful monster to exact its price
Kyoto now!
We cant do nothing and think someone else will make it right
In your dreams you saw a steady state a bounty for eternity
Silent screams
But now the wisdom that sustains us is in full retreat
Watch out!
Dont allow this mythologic hopeful monster isnt worth the risk
Kyoto now!
We cant have vision for the future if it cant be fixed
We need a fresh and new religion to run our lives
Hand in hand
The arid torpor of inaction will be our demise
Oh, kyoto now!
A call to action and taking responsibility about the future of our planet and humankind. Urgently we must pressure for solutions. An immediate action is pressures to adopt Kyoto protocole: no matter that is half measure, but its symbolic that something starts to change in our attitude. Also there are thoughts for a new "religion" something like the establishment of a new Human/Nature relation of respectfulness and sustainability that impedes environmental destruction.
You can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:45 AM
Ετικέτες 00s decade, Bad Religion, punk
13 August, 2008
"Acid Rain" by Angra, Album: Rebirth, (2001)
When the world had a tragic fate
We were draining the poisoned sea
Though the scenes were indeed too sad
Only prayers were taking lead
Oh! Just some of us survived
At least a discent woman and a man
Wide awake! Am I alone in this place
Someone hear me ? my only hope!
The Acid Rain is burning
Right into your eyes
Again your dreams may loose the glow
Allow the sorrow of your thoughts to meet sunrise
And shall the hopeful words
Bring love inside your heart
So the world knew a tragic fate
We were draining the deadly sea
And the scenes were indeed too sad
Only prayers were taking lead
Oh! Just some of us survived
At least a discent woman and a man
Wide awake! Am I alone in this place
Someone hear me? my only hope!
The Acid Rain is burning
Right into your eyes
Again your dreams may loose the glow
Allow the sorrow of your thoughts to meet sunrise
And shall the hopeful words
Bring love inside your heart
A scene of future ecological disaster with the acid rain to play the main role. Of course acid rain never be so acidic to produce extensive mass extinction by burning life forms and humans, as song writer imagine, but it is one of the main ecological disasters of the industrial age and one of those that shows us clearly that pollution don’t recognize or is halted by borders.
You can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
11:00 AM
Ετικέτες 00s decade, Angra, heavy metal
12 August, 2008
"Free Enterprise" by Malvina Reynolds (1951)
The air you breathe is poison, the food you eat is worse,
The dollars in your pay check are pennies in your purse.
In full page advertisements they praise it to the skies,
They tie it up with fancy bows and dress it up in fancy clothes,
It still offends the gentle nose, free enterprise.
Free enterprise, it's free enough no doubt.
Anything they give away you're better off without.
The bandits of the old days would hide their heads in shame,
Their old-time buccaneering was hardly worth the name.
They used to end on gibbets and dance against the skies,
And now they live on top the town and sport their minks and cars around
And buy up Congress by the pound, free enterprise.
There's nothing free about it, you pay at every turn,
Except the guys in Wall Street who have the stuff to burn.
They had to make new brain machines to count their profits' rise,
But since there's always room for more they still can make the market soar--
A little war does wonders for free enterprise.
They gag you if you holler, they kick you if you sneeze,
They throw you in the hoosegow for singing songs like these.
The only way to like it is to close your ears and eyes,
It's good for G. M. Company, Morgan and the A and P,
But it's just no darn good for me, free enterprise.
That is the oldest enviro-song we have found up to now, concerning the genres we present. No matter that is the oldest, it's full of timeless truths about the amoralism of free market: enterprises and multinationals act and work at the expense of environment, public health, working conditions, democracy, human rights, etc in favour of their profits and greed. Today we are witnesses of the devastating impacts of a completely free global market and economy that leads to a global economic totalitarianism controlled by G8, WTO and a handfull of powerful multinational corporations.
You can hear Malvina's classic "Little Boxes" in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:23 AM
Ετικέτες 50s decade, folk rock, Malvina Reynolds
11 August, 2008
"Only A Dream" by Adrian Belew, Album: Inner Revolution (1992)
The woman screams at the windy day;
Her children play in the acid rain.
The water is green and the sky is brown;
the cars and buildings, all broken down.
Now what in the world is happening here?
Will somebody please explain?
Nothing I see makes sense to me—
Maybe it's only a dream.
The deer in the forest or the eagle in the sky,
They see Man coming and they run to hide.
The birds on the shore will no longer fly,
they're covered in oil and they're bound to die.
Now how in the world does that make sense—
The killing of innocent beings?
What in the world is wrong with us?
Maybe it's only a dream.
The air we breathe and the food we eat;
Poor Mother Earth was poisoned in her sleep.
Now what in the world is happening here?
Will somebody please explain?
Nothing I see makes sense to me—
Maybe it's only a dream.
The woman screams at the wind and rain—
It's only a dream . . .
Just a bad dream . . .
What a bad dream . . .
Environmental destruction is something so irrational, so absurd to happen (the most logical and clever species acts in such a way completely against instict for survival and concern about future generations, so artist wonders if all these are only a bad dream
You can hear a song from this album in youtube
Big Blue Sun
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
9:14 AM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, Adrian Belew, pop, progressive rock
08 August, 2008
Two "Pagan Rock" Hymns to Mother Earth
"Heartbeat Of The Earth" by Inkubus Sukkubus, Album: Heartbeat of the Earth (1995)
Can you hear the Heartbeat of the Earth?
Can you hear the Heartbeat of the Earth?
The rhythm comes and the rhythm goes
The river ebbs and the river flows
Can you hear the Heartbeat of the Earth?
Can you hear a whisper on the wind?
Can you hear a whisper on the wind?
A voice that says 'Come with me'
'And I'll set you forever free'
Do you know the mystery of the Moon?
Do you know the mystery of the Moon?
Up high in the midnight sky
Up high where the witches fly
Do you know the mystery of the Moon?
Have you seen the turning of the Wheel?
Have you seen the turning of the Wheel?
The Wheel spins round and round
It picks you up and it drops you down
Have you seen the turning of the Wheel?
"Mother Earth" by Within Temptation, Album: Mother Earth (2000)
Birds and butterflies
Rivers and mountains she creates
But you'll never know
The next move she'll make
You can try
But it is useless to ask why
Cannot control her
She goes her own way
She rules until the end of time
She gives and she takes
She rules until the end of time
She goes her own way
With every breath
And all the choices that we make
We are only passing through on her way
I find my strength
Believing that your soul lives on
Until the end of time
I'll carry it with me
Once you will know my dear
You don't have to fear
A new beginning always starts at the end
Until the end of time
She goes her own way
Two songs that have not to do with rape and destruction of mother earth, but with a worship of her. Two spiritualized songs inspired from pagan ages, when nature was respectful and mystified. Today, at modern times, we have released ourselves from the mental burden and anxiety of mysticism and such metaphysics, but unfortunatelly we didn't find a creative belief to replace it. So Nature, or Mother Earth has been appeared to us as a demystified materialized passive and neutral object stripped from any spiritual meaning that may restrained us from her nowadays predatory exploitation. A perception that has its origin in christian concepts of human superiority, a religion that has brutally persecuted paganism and old naturalistic religions. So, a quest for a new Human-Nature relation is the point at issue and that is what these songs probably try to tell us by echoing a mythological naturalistic past
you can hear these beautiful and melodic songs in youtube:
Heartbeat of the Earth (Inkubus Sukkubus)
Mother Earth (Within Temptation)
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
11:24 AM
1 σχόλια
Ετικέτες 00s decade, 90s decade, goth, heavy metal, Inkubus Sukkubus, Within Temptation
07 August, 2008
"Rain on the Scarecrow" by John Cougar Mellencamp Album: Scarecrow (1985)
Scarecrow on a wooden cross; blackbird in the barn;
Four-hundred empty acres that used to be my farm.
I grew up like my daddy did, my grandpa cleared this land;
When I was five I walked the fence while grandpa held my hand.
Rain on the scarecrow, blood on the plow;
This land fed a nation, this land made me proud;
And, son, I'm just sorry there's no legacy for you now . . .
Rain on the scarecrow, blood on the plow;
Rain on the scarecrow, blood on the plow.
The crops we grew last summer weren't enough to pay the loans;
Couldn't buy the seed to plant this spring and the Farmers Bank foreclosed.
Called my old friend Schepman up to auction off the land;
He said John it's just my job and I hope you understand.
Hey, calling it your job, ol' hoss, sure don't make it right,
But if you want me to I'll say a prayer for your soul tonight.
And grandma's on the front porch swing with a Bible in her hand;
Sometimes I hear her singing "Take me to the Promised Land."
When you take away a man's dignity, he can't work his fields and cows . . .
There'll be blood on the scarecrow, blood on the plow;
Blood on the scarecrow, blood on the plow.
Well there's ninety-seven crosses planted in the courthouse yard—
Ninety-seven families who lost ninety-seven farms.
I think about my grandpa and my neighbors and my name,
And some nights I feel like dyin', like that scarecrow in the rain.
Rain on the scarecrow, blood on the plow;
This land fed a nation, this land made me proud;
And, son, I'm just sorry they're just memories for you now . . .
Rain on the scarecrow, blood on the plow;
Rain on the scarecrow, blood on the plow.
A great song that depicts the impacts of an inhuman economical system that smash small agricultural economies and farms, charge farmers with debts they can't afford, so they are forced to sell their farms, leave their home country and go to cities for better chances and consequently increase urbanization, pollution and degradation of quality of life.
you can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
11:23 AM
Ετικέτες 80s decade, country rock, John Cougar Mellencamp, pop
06 August, 2008
"The flower that shattered the stone" by John Denver, album: The Flower That Shattered the Stone (1990)
The Earth is our mother just turning around
With her trees in the forest and roots underground
Our father above us whos sigh is the wind
Paint us a rainbow without any end
As the river runs freely the mountain does rise
Let me touch with my fingers and see with my eyes
In the hearts of the children of pure love still roams
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
Sparrows find freedom beholding the sun
In the engine and beauty were all joined in one
I reach out before me and look to the sky
Then I hear someone whisper its something pass by
As the river runs freely the mountain does rise
Let me touch with my fingers and see with my eyes
In the hearts of the children of pure love still roams
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
Like a bright star in heaven that lights our way home
Like the flower that shattered the stone
A naturalistic relligious song that has metaphores (flower that shatters the stone) about the strength of love and non-violence towards power and violent forms of action
You can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:27 AM
1 σχόλια
Ετικέτες 90s decade, folk rock, John Denver
05 August, 2008
Album: "Fuaim Catha" by oi polloi (1999)
Because our friend aigaiopelagitis expressed some disagreements to my (candiru) interpretations upon some oi polloi's songs, a creative discussion has begun in the comments, so I move up this oi polloi's post in order to be viewed by visitors who may want to take part to it
They've poisoned and clear-felled and strip-mined this earth
Made a cess pit of the paradise that was ours by birth
They've raped and they've burned and they've plundered our world
Our banner of resistance will now be unfurled
We're nailing our colours right up to the mast
The sands of time are running out fast
To stop the nutters destroying our home
Kidnapped from our children from whom it's on loan
Enough is enough is enough of their greed
Mass eco-defence is what the earth needs
Terra-ist action all over the land
To stop the lunacy the rich have got planned
E.L.F. strike in the dead of night
See the bulldozers are burning bright
Construction area totally trashed
Earth-rape machinery utterly smashed
Some might say that we're too "extreme"
But all we want is air and water that's clean
And a green earth not a desert is what we need
Don't let them sacrifice it on their altar of greed
Rise up and conquer your fear
They can be stopped like Jose-Maria
Our world a toxic slag-heap they will make
So take whatever action you feel it's right to take
It's up to you it's up to me to make a stand
Our generation holds it's future in it's hands
Time to fight back let them do their worst
Green anarchy in action - put the earth first!
A strong call to action and support of ecosabotage against any kind of equipment used by enterprises and businessmen to destroy environment. It plays with the words (terrorist/terra-ist) because US government considers such actions as terrorism, no matter that they don’t harm people but only equipments. But today when human rights are globally under attack, and a new McCarthyism, the "Green Scare" is grown up, such eco-activist organizations (ALF, ELF, Earth First, etc) are considered the number 2 public enemy in USA after Al-Qaeda!!!!! You can see in youtube an interesting video about ALF
Take Back the Land
Tore the people from the land
Torched their houses with bloodied hands
Thousands starved or died at sea
A sickening toll of human misery
Broke the old clan system where land was there for all
And once the people had their backs against the wall
The connivance of the church cleared them off the land
"Remember it's God's will so don't try to make a stand"
They made a desert where trees once stood
Squeezing from the land every penny that they could
Ethnic cleaning of the glens for farming sheep
'Cos that way there's more profit for the rich scum to reap (rape)
"Beautiful bleak moorland?"- I don't think so
This is a place where great forests used to grow
Laid waste by a rich man's greed
Reclaim the land and plant the seed
Yet still every year, seeking their roots
They come from overseas to kiss the boots
Of the clan chief and lick the hand
Of the very people who threw their families off the land
This is nothing more than a sick farce
paying homage to the ruling class
Who, without hesitation, do it all again
Those who forget history to repeat it are condemned
"Gee, Scotland-It's so quaint
All this scenery makes me feel quite faint
Clan chief looks so good in his kilt
We never think of the blood his family spilt"
"I'm the clan chief o.k. yah
I support Scotland when they play rugger
But an independent country? there I'd draw the line
I own this land it's mine all mine
FUCK YOU, You arrogant prick
You inbred rich bastard, YOU MAKE ME FUCKING SICK
You own fuck all-except in your head
One day the land will be ours-and you'll be dead
I won't beg permission to walk the land they claim to "own"
And I won't pay no fucker to gain access to THE STONES
The rich have stolen and buy and sell our earth
But it belongs to NO ONE-or to all by right of birth
A song about the stolen lands and destruction of local cultures and natural landscapes. Land is sold and becomes a property of entrepreneurs for “development”. This land may be the territory of a tribe who is replaced and thrown out in cities where they continue to live in misery, may be once free shores of forests for free camping of trekking, may be villages that are evacuated or they suffer degradation of life because of “Pharaonic” works like huge dams, mines, nuclear plants, etc. The artist call for resistance, supporting people, tribes, peasants, activists, etc all over the world who rise against any kind of trial to take their land and degrade their life.
No More Roads
Swarming over the fence in droves
We're gonna stop this road
Handcuffed to the machinery
In defence of beautiful greenery
People come from far and near
To stop the road right here
Earthmovers trashed in the dead of night
It's time to stand up and fight
Reclaim the streets
Reclaim the land
No more roads
It's in your hands
Lying down in front of the bulldozer
A courageous young girl shows her
Determination to see It through
An inspiration to me and you
To stop this road to destruction
Put an end to motrway construction
From Kernow up to Caledonia
In the spirit of Wastonia
No more roads - cars kill
No more roads - make you ill
No more roads - cars kill
Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi! Oi!
A song also that supports peoples activism against the construction of new motorways and freeways that promotes car transportation at the expense of sensitive natural ecosystems and landscapes, quality of life and public health. Our country suffers a lot from such kind of development (Egnatia freeway divides bear and wolf’s habitats, and impedes the communication between villages or settlements that are located along the huge road that connects East and West in Greece. Also, huge peripheral roads destroy forests around big cities like Athens and Thessaloniki worsening the bad atmospheric conditions and air pollution in them)
The Earth Is Our Mother
How can you buy or sell the sky? The warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? Every part of the earth is scared to my people - every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clearing and humming insect is holy in our memory and experience. The sap which courses through the trees carries our memories - we are part of the earth and it is part of us. We know that the white man does not understand our ways - one portion of the land is the same to him as the next, for he is a stranger who comes in the night and takes whatever he needs. The earth is not his brother but his enemy and when he has conquered it he moves on. He leaves his father's graves behind and he does not care. He kidnaps the earth birthright are forgotten. He treats his mother the earth and his father the sky as things to be bought, plundered or sold like sheep or bright beads. His appetite will devour the earth and leave behind only a desert. I do not know. Our ways are different from your ways. The sight of your cities pains my eyes. There is no quiet place in the white man's cities - no place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring or the rustle of an insects wings. The clatter only seems to insult the ears - and what is there to life in one cannot hear the lonely cry of the Lapwing or the arguments of the frogs around a pond at night? What is man without other animals? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of spirit. For whatever happens t othe beasts soon happens to man - all things are connected. Teach your children what we have taught our children: That the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life - he is merely a strand of it. Whatever he does to the web he does to himself.
The secret corners of the forest are heavy with the scent of many men.
Where is the thicket? Gone.
Where is the eagle? Gone.
The end of living - and the beginning of survival...
you can hear a song from this album in youtube "Don't burn the witch". In the beginning you can hear the singer making some statements in Greek: It's about two very famous Greek antiauthoritarian political slogans: "Να καεί να καεί το μπουρδέλο η βουλή!" & "Μπάτσοι, γουρούνια, δολοφόνοι!". The translation is "Burn, burn, the bordel Parliament" & "Cops, Pigs, Murderers!"
“Nothing but flowers” by Talking Heads, album: Naked (1988)
Here we stand
Like an Adam and an Eve
The Garden of Eden
Two fools in love
So beautiful and strong
The birds in the trees
Are smiling upon them
From the age of the dinosaurs
Cars have run on gasoline
Where, where have they gone?
Now, it's nothing but flowers
There was a factory
Now there are mountains and rivers
you got it, you got it
We caught a rattlesnake
Now we got something for dinner
we got it, we got it
There was a shopping mall
Now it's all covered with flowers
you've got it, you've got it
If this is paradise
I wish I had a lawnmower
you've got it, you've got it
Years ago
I was an angry young man
I'd pretend
That I was a billboard
Standing tall
By the side of the road
I fell in love
With a beautiful highway
This used to be real estate
Now it's only fields and trees
Where, where is the town
Now, it's nothing but flowers
The highways and cars
Were sacrificed for agriculture
I thought that we'd start over
But I guess I was wrong
Once there were parking lots
Now it's a peaceful oasis
you got it, you got it
This was a Pizza Hut
Now it's all covered with daisies
you got it, you got it
I miss the honky tonks,
Dairy Queens, and 7-Elevens
you got it, you got it
And as things fell apart
Nobody paid much attention
you got it, you got it
I dream of cherry pies,
Candy bars, and chocolate chip cookies
you got it, you got it
We used to microwave
Now we just eat nuts and berries
you got it, you got it
This was a discount store,
Now it's turned into a cornfield
you got it, you got it
Don't leave me stranded here
I can't get used to this lifestyle
Contradictive feelings about a hypothetical destruction of modern society and a back to the primitive way of life. Concrete cities, industries, cars etc were covered with flowers and trees and the landscape is again beautiful. But we feel insecure, we lost many everyday facilities and life is more difficult in the wild.
You can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
11:00 AM
Ετικέτες 80s decade, pop, Talking Heads
04 August, 2008
"Don't go near the water" by Johnny Cash, album: Ragged Old Flag (1973)
Don't go near the water children
see the fish all dead upon the shore
Don't go near the water cause the water
isn't water anymore
From the fountains in the mountains
comes the water running cool and clear and blue
And it comes down from the hills
and it goes down to the towns and passes through
When it gets down to the cities
then the water turns into a dirty grey
Cause it's poisoned and poluted by the people
as it goes along its way
Don't go near the water children...
I was sittin' on the bank of the lake
at home fishin' with my little boy
I said have you got a bite yet son
He said no sir have you daddy
I said I believe I got a nibble
He said daddy if we catch a fish
can we cook 'em and eat 'em
I said maybe we'd better not son
They say it may not be safe
to eat a fish from this water anymore
Don't go near the water children...
A father explains the circle of water and warns his children not to reach water because it is heavily contaminated in a degree that it cannot be named "water" anymore. Such a heavy pollution is obvious in once clear channels, rivers, lakes and closed gulfs. The smell is disgusting, water is grey, brown of green, water animals are dying, pH is heavily alcalic or acidic.
Near our city (Thessaloniki, Greece), such a lake (Lake Coronia) was completeley destroyed, its "water" can be used for battery liquids (!) and life in it vanished completely (by successive mass deaths of birds, fish, mussels), no matter that it was a protected area by RAMSAR Convention. The reasons are the indifference of authorities about this ecosystem who let polluting industries and cities to throw untreated their liquid wastes and sewage in the lake and the heavy agriculture that is applied around the lake based in crops with huge irrigating demands.
You can hear some songs in myspace
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
11:15 AM
Ετικέτες 70s decade, ballad, folk rock, Johnny Cash
"Don't Go Near the Water" by Beach boys, Album: Surf's Up (1971)
Don't go near the water...
Don't you think it's sad,
What's happened to the water?
Our water's goin' bad.
Oceans, rivers, lakes and streams
Have all been touched by man.
The poison floatin' out to sea
Now threatens life on land.
Don't go near the water...
Ain't it sad,
What's happened to the water?
It's going bad.
Don't go near the water;
Don't go near the water...
Toothpaste and soap will make our oceans a bubble bath,
So let's avoid an ecological aftermath.
Beginning with me,
Beginning with you...
Don't go near the water
To do it any wrong;
To be cool with the water
Is the message of this song.
Let's all help the water—
Right away!
Do what we can and ought to—
Let's start today.
A warning about the dangers of pollution for the use of water sources as urban sewage and toxic waste disposal places. But such activities have caused the water pollution and in many cases the use of water was impossible because of eutrofication, heavy pollution and contanination by chemicals, microbes and organic substances. Not only sea or river water but also underground water is in many places inapropriate even for watering farms and cattles. The sources of drinkable water also are diminished by global warming and in Third world countries huge companies like Coca Cola in India or golf fields spend too much water, worsening the existing lack of water for drinking or irrigating use in these territories.
you can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:50 AM
Ετικέτες 70s decade, Beach Boys, pop
01 August, 2008
"Corner Of The Earth" by Jamiroquai, Album: A Funk Odyssey (2000)
Little darlin' don't you see the sun is shining
just for you, only today
If you hurry you can get a ray on you, come with me, just to play
Like every humming bird and bumblebee
Every sunflower, cloud and every tree
I feel so much a part of this
Nature's got me high and it's beautiful
I'm with this deep eternal universe
From death until rebirth
This corner of the earth is like me in many ways
I can sit for hours here and watch the emerald feathers play
On the face of this I'm blessed
When the sunlight comes for free
I know this corner of the earth it smiles at me
So inspired of that there's nothing left to do or say
Think I'll dream, 'til the stars shine
The wind it whispers and the clouds don't seem to care
And I know inside, that it's all mine
It's the chorus of the breakin' dawn
The mist that comes before the sun is born
To a hazy afternoon in May
Nature's got me high and it's so beautiful
I'm with this deep eternal universe from death until rebirth
You know that this corner of the earth is like me in many ways
I can sit for hours here and watch the emerald feathers play
On the face of it I'm blessed
When the sunlight comes for free
I know this corner of the earth it smiles at me x5
This corner of the earth, is like me in many ways
I can sit for hours here and watch the emerald feathers play
When the sunlight comes for free
I know the corner of this earth it smiles at me
A realizaton that nature is part of us, and we are part of nature, we are bound with our territory, both somatic and mentally, and any destruction of it causes a deeper loss to us.
You can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:06 AM
Ετικέτες 00s decade, funk, Jamiroquai