And love is not the easy thing
The only baggage you can bring...
And love is not the easy thing...
The only baggage you can bring
Is all that you can't leave behind
And if the darkness is to keep us apart
And if the daylight feels like it's a long way off
And if your glass heart should crack
And for a second you turn back
Oh no, be strong
Walk on, walk on
What you got, they can't steal it
No they can't even feel it
Walk on, walk on
Stay safe tonight...
You're packing a suitcase for a place none of us has been
A place that has to be believed to be seen
You could have flown away
A singing bird in an open cage
Who will only fly, only fly for freedom
Walk on, walk on
What you got they can't deny it
Can't sell it or buy it
Walk on, walk on
Stay safe tonight
And I know it aches
And your heart it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on, walk on
Home...hard to know what it is if you never had one
Home...I can't say where it is but I know I'm going home
That's where the heart is
I know it aches
How your heart it breaks
And you can only take so much
Walk on, walk on
Leave it behind
You've got to leave it behind
All that you fashion
All that you make
All that you build
All that you break
All that you measure
All that you steal
All this you can leave behind
All that you reason
All that you sense
All that you speak
All you dress up
All that you scheme...Another song by U2 that is dedicated to another non-violent hero, Burmanese politician Aung San Suu Kyi, “a pro-democracy activist and leader of the National League for Democracy , and a noted prisoner of conscience and advocate of nonviolent resistance”. She has been kept home prisoned since 1989, after many persecutions and detentions by military Junta in Myanmar, and prohibitions of seeing her close relatives. We read about this song in wikipedia:
The song was written about and dedicated to Aung San Suu Kyi. It is written in the form of a supporting, uplifting anthem, praising her for her activism and fighting for freedom in Burma. She has been intermittently under house arrest since 1989 for her efforts. Due to the political tribute of this album, those in Burma caught with possession of either the single for this song or the album All That You Can't Leave Behind could face a prison sentence lasting between three and twenty years.You can hear this song in youtube, HERE and HERE

After this post i realised that sooooooooooo many songs i like and know the lyrics have been dedicated somewhere or were written because of someone!
Did you know tha "Happy Birthday" performed by Stevie Wonder was written for Martin Luther King??? For his birthday???
(btw why do we write in english here?)
Γράφουμε στα αγγλικά γιατί η ροκ μουσική είναι διεθνούς ενδιαφέροντος και η αρχική ιδέα (ροκ και οικολογία) δεν ήταν δική μας, αλλά πολλών άλλων σάιτ που αναφέρονται κάπου στα δεξιά και πολύ κάτω,
απλώς εμείς θέλαμε να τα συμπληρώσουμε όσο γίνεται πιο πολύ σε ποικιλία ειδών μουσικής, αλλά και με σχετικά κοινωνικά-πολιτικά σχόλια.
αν δεν δίνεις νέες πληροφορίες για το τραγούδι ή την θεματολογία του, γράφε στα ελληνικά. Ευχαριστώ και για την πληροφορία του Steve Wonder, θα την συμπεριλάβουμε κάποια στιγμή
This won't succeed in reality, that is exactly what I think.
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