Life Control
Animals infected with diseases,
in so called medical research.
Insane humans are obsessional,
just consider them bestial.
Man's controlling their lifes,
all the sooner the animals die.
Why do people play this kind of game,
so brutal, so insane.
Violating - animals rights
Suffering cries,
Insane humans - animals die.
Another song about the barbaric method of vivisection. See our previous posts about Skyclad and Oi polloi for more details and links against animal experiments
Pollution and chemical breath,
please smell the stench of death
that's spreading in the atmosphere,
without knowing we're dying here.
All these choking gasses suffocate,
unknown horrible diseases penetrate,
cancers are controlling our lifes,
without protest, all the sooner we'll die.
Sick environment full of pollution that creates new difficult to cure degenerative diseases “of civilization” (cancer, pneumoconiosis, heart failure, stroke, etc) replace the retreated infectious epidemics.
He Cared
Sentenced to
Fourteen years
For animal rights
For which he cared
When a murderer or rapist gets less years
the animal - liberator is punished more severe
Keith Mann
got put away
Because he cared
cause he fucking cared
When a murderer or rapist gets less years
the animal - liberator is punished more severe
Green activists that choose dynamic actions of intruding to animal testing laboratories and destroy equipment and release the poor animals are considered criminals and were condemned to many years imprisonment, a judicial imbalance that provokes human rights when rapists and murderers are condemned to lesser punishments. Especially, in USA they are considered terrorists and the number 2 public threat after muslim terrorists. There is a new witch hunt in action that reminds Red Scare of MacCarthyism so the severe persecution of green activists from Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and Earth Liberation Front (ELF) was named Green Scare.
Mankind's not Kind
Chickens abused in factories
Eggs produced for vital needs ?
Cow are injected to get fat
The poor animals, they just go mad.
Oh yeah, our mankind's not so kind
maybe it's the meat which made'em go wild
the results of all the animals tests
Are of no use for the human quest
to live healthy and never die
They just don't hear the animals cry.
Every time you eat meat you should consider its origin. Is it from a farm in the country where the animal lived its life free and happy grazing in the fields? Or is it come from industrialized farm where animals live in horrible conditions packed like sardines in too small cages treated as productive machines of meat and eggs, inflated with chemical ormones and injected with antibiotics?
You can hear some songs in myspace
30 June, 2008
Album: “Thanks For Your Hostility” by Agathocles (1997)
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
1:01 PM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, Agathocles, hardcore, punk
28 June, 2008
Bicycle race by Queen, Album: Jazz (1978)
Celebrating the 1st World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) held in our city Thessaloniki, Greece, yesterday, 27/6/2008, we present Queen's classic "Bicycle Race". We give it a related interpretation as dealing with the demand of the right to use the environmental and health friendly bicycle in big and crowded cities that are under the rule of cars and oil dependance and also as having a relation with nudity and bike ride events, as we can read in the lyrics (Bicycle races are coming your way, So forget all your duties oh yeah!Fat bottomed girls they'll be riding today, So look out for those beauties oh yeah). and in wikipedia about the poster that promoted and connected the singles "Bicycle race" and "Fat Bottomed Girls":
The band had intended to sell the album with a poster depicting the all-female nude bicycle race staged to promote "Fat Bottomed Girls", but in the USA it was only available through mail order so as not to upset retailers. A small version of the poster comes with the Crown Jewels box set.
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like
You say black I say white
You say bark I say bite
You say shark I say hey man
Jaws was never my scene
And I don't like Star Wars
You say Rolls I say Royce
You say God give me a choice
You say Lord I say Christ
I don't believe in Peter Pan
Frankenstein or Superman
All I wanna do is
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my
Bicycle races are coming your way
So forget all your duties oh yeah!
Fat bottomed girls they'll be riding today
So look out for those beauties oh yeah
On your marks get set go
Bicycle race bicycle race bicycle race
Bicycle bicycle bicyI want to ride my bicycle
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
Bicycle race
You say coke I say caine
You say John I say Wayne
Hot dog I say cool it man
I don't wanna be the President of America
You say smile I say cheese
Cartier I say please
Income tax I say Jesus
I don't wanna be a candidate
For Vietnam or Watergate
Cos all I want to do is
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like
About the events in our city, yesterday:

No matter that the event had been announced in many Mass Media a month ago with positive public acceptance and support, General police officer of the city threatened with arrests anyone who would take part naked. So, all except one prefered to cover at least their genitals. Exactly after the bikers started to move to the city, strong riot police force attack the ride and arrest the one completely naked, an English citizen who came to Thessaloniki to take part to the event. The rest continue their ride and when they reached at the center of Thessaloniki they blocked off the central avenue of the city demanding the immediate release of the arrested biker. After an hour of negociations and pressures by the participators, police was forced to release him at last. All photos are from yesterday event.
You can see a video from this Naked Bike Ride in Youtube where you can also hear Queen's famous song.
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
12:18 PM
Ετικέτες 70s decade, hard rock, Queen, views and written texts
Trees by Rush, Album: Hemispheres, 1978
There is unrest in the forest,
There is trouble with the trees,
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas.
The trouble with the maples,
(And they're quite convinced they're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light.
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made.
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade.
There is trouble in the forest,
And the creatures all have fled,
As the maples scream "Oppression!"
And the oaks just shake their heads
So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights.
"The oaks are just too greedy;
We will make them give us light."
Now there's no more oak oppression,
For they passed a noble law,
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw.
We read in wikipedia
"The Trees" is one of Rush's more popular songs. A fable told through fantasy lyrics, a forest suffers from the competition of tall oak trees and shorter maple trees for sunlight. In the end, no one wins as the "trees are all kept equal by hatchet, axe, and saw." The song's meaning is often debated by fans. Peart has been quoted as saying that the lyrics for this song were inspired by a cartoon and that the song has no deep meaning, but also has said that it is about collectivism.
We believe that this song is probably a naturalistic/environmental metaphor for the “equality” of Communist regimes. The two kinds of trees that have conflict represent the war of classes and the exploitation of the poor by the rich. But the most famous revolution in order to stop class division and exploitation has lead to an unbearable uniformity and total oppression through violence and terror.
You can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:37 AM
1 σχόλια
Ετικέτες 70s decade, hard rock, progressive rock, Rush
27 June, 2008
Album: Recycled by Nektar (1975)
Call me down, the time is here
reminding you to slow the wheel
now, nearing the end of the day,
look, never a moment too soon, or late.
Count the hours, the weeks the days,
forcing natures' slow decay
here, as we look down on you there
you, fall on into your web of despair.
Man! You had it all your own way,
Now, salvaging blocks of decay.
Clean the scene;
Change machines!
Recycle Countdown
Talk away, the die is cast
all the day, the reasons last.
Just look what is happening here
see, never a day without fear...It's here!
Calm me down, I have to share
before the world I stand declared.
Hear these words at the end of the day
come never a moment too soon. or late.
Man! You had it all your own way,
Now, salvaging blocks of decay.
Clean the scene;
Change machines!
Automation Horrorscope (spoken by Mo)
Webs of concrete giving off waste dust that marks the search of an age of a thousand vast empires, Sweeping away legends untold to human ears. While shafts of steel clutch the stars, natural supplies...once lapse into eerie silence recycled energy becomes the only form of life as it was and now new forms are moulded from patterns already used in a struggle to survive!
You had me thinking that I lost my mind
but no, it was you.
Thought you'd make it to a better time
'til now, but it's through.
Your castles made of sand
hold out out your helpless hands
going down down down
downdown down down
They take it all
then take much,
no man could ever realize
his mistakes,
They will help you one step down...
sit back... and watch you drown
going down down down
Going down down down
down down down
Here, there, new wonders gently steal,
disguised distorted like moonlit seas
...and I see
you've taken all you need,
queue up, don't fear
there's mans new fortune hear.
Song-birds, recycling, the same old tune,
Still you slave onwards, 'till all is used.
...tho' I'll see
you'll get the life you need,
queue up don't fear,
it's the man who brought you hear.
Flight To Reality
You live in stainless forts,
with glass walls around,
Fight against recourses
with your head in the ground,
A nation's urgent greed
fulfils anothers greed
going down down down
down down down down
Fly across the concrete jungle
high in the clouds
Looking up to crystal mountains so proud.
No need to wonder why
nature slowly dies
going down down down
Going down down down
down down down down.
Unendless Imagination?
Do you see? Do you see?
Do you do you see? Do you see?
Do you see the ruins
of a life gone by?
Built upon by burning towers
lighting the sky,
Imagine you're the prince of eagles
tears in your eyes,
Do you see there's not much time
before we go
down down...
down down down down
Sao Paulo Sunrise
Dream, away on the waves,
using the money you've saved,
Our work is done, we'll bathe in the sun
gonna take a trip let's fly down to Rio.
Some solitude is all that we need,
deserted beach were the air is do free-o.
Costa Del Sol
Cares cast aside
see the seas calm and wide.
Small isle,
virgin paradise,
Warm smiles
floating in the tides.
Find some desolate place
now it's out of the way
Soon, through words passed by mouth,
Friends are crowding you out,
Same place
natures changed its face,
Warm smiles
stretching out for miles.
Searching in haste
Finding refuge and waste
Marvellous Moses
Never thought he’d ever
get his metal boat
to fly in the air,
Moses did it...
With a string at each end,
We nearly all died
when he tugged and he sighed
saying “you are the fools”,
Moses did it...
With his hair tied to his shoes.
Come around here
they say you’ve got something to hide.
I’ve never met a man like Moses
with so much time.
Moses had a thought
to put another hill
on a mountain,
Moses did it...
With a spoon in each hand.
To our surprise
Moses closed up his eyes
saying “show me no rules”,
Moses did it...
With his arms tied to his side.
Come around here
they say you’ve got something to hide.
I’ve never met a man like Moses
with so much time.
Came the great day
Moses tried to drink a lake
for a penny
Moses did it...
O man, he looked heavy
He walked around all day
saying “I’ve got so much pain,
give me a shove”,
Moses did it...
Tourist attraction!
It's All Over
Come tomorrow
I’m going to
be the one that
you will follow.
Your world is so
upside down ‘cos
it’s all over now.
Take the high road and you’ll
take the low one,
see it all through those
passing hours,
These moments seem
so inside out
it’s all over now...
It’s all over!
See the daytime you’ve
seen the darkness I’m
torn apart through those
many changes.
A feeling that
you’ll understand,
It’s all over now.
See me walking and
hear me talking. I’ll
guide you all through those
endless ages.
Your world was so
upside down but
it’s all over now.
It’s all over.
A feeling that
you’ll understand
it’s all over
Maybe the first concept album dedicated to human/nature relation. We have presented many albums of 60s-70s with more than 2-3 songs about nature, but this is the first which has related title, and also seems to tell a complete sci-fi story about a futute technological humanmade environment that consumes and runs out of natural sources. Nature suffers a lot, so do people who try to escape to isolated remnants of natural landscapes, to be soon destructed by turning them to crowded places. At last, the inevitable end is too close to try to stop the tide. We think the track “Marvellous Moses” is ironic about human arrogance for his “magic” abilities to transform huge landscapes for his own sake.
You can hear some songs from this album in Youtube and myspace
It’s all over
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
8:51 AM
Ετικέτες 70s decade, Nektar, progressive rock, psychedelia
26 June, 2008
"Death of Mother Nature Suite" by Kansas, album: Kansas (1974)
Every day she gets a little weaker;
The beauty she once knew has come and gone;
We've murdered all her sons and all her daughters;
The blood is on your hands, the time has come . . .
And now she's gonna die!
We've strangled all her trees and starved her creatures;
There's poison in the sea and in the air;
But worst of all, we've learned to live without her;
We've lost the very meaning of our lives . . .
And now she's gonna die!
Once she ruled the earth with love and wisdom;
But we were much too smart to live her way;
With greed and lust we tried to rise above her;
The ignorance of man will reach an end . . .
'Cause now we're gonna die!
It’s a great surprise to us discovering old songs again and again, fortelling the destruction of Mother Nature by human greed and lust. But that strikes him back like boomerang because with arrogance and ignorance he tries to withdraw from our dependence from nature.
You can hear this song in youtube as slide presentation and in live performance
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:39 AM
Ετικέτες 70s decade, Kansas, progressive rock
25 June, 2008
My city was gone by Pretenders, Album: Learning to Crawl (1984)
So common to all of us to face the rapid and dramatic change of urban environment from an older more friedly and green to a more hostile to our aesthetics, public health and quality of life. It's not only a plain nostalgia for the good old days of childhood, it's a real anger and dissapointment that this city doesn't belong to us, any change is not in favor of us, it's in favor of pure economics, by putting aside citizen's true needs.
You can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:33 AM
1 σχόλια
Ετικέτες 80s decade, pop, Pretenders, punk
23 June, 2008
TESTIFY by Rage Against the Machine, Album: Battle of Los Angeles (1997)
The movie ran through me
The glamour subdued me
The tabloid untied me
I'm empty please fill me
Mister anchor assure me
That Baghdad is burning
Your voice it is so soothing
That cunning mantra of killing
I need you my witness
To dress this up so bloodless
To numb me and purge me now
Of thoughts of blaming you
Yes the car is our wheelchair
My witness your coughing
Oily silence mocks the legless
Those who travel now in coffins
On the corner
The jury's sleepless
We found your weakness
And it's right outside your door
Now testify
Now testify
It's right outside your door
Now testify
Yes testify
Its right outside your door
With precision you feed me
My witness I'm hungry
Your temple it calms me
So I can carry on
My slaving sweating the skin right off my bones
On a bed of fire I'm choking on the smoke that fills my home
The wrecking ball is rushing
Witness your blushing
The pipeline is gushing
While here we lie in tombs
While on the corner
The jury's sleepless
We found your weakness
And it's right outside your door
Now testify
Yeah testify
It's right outside your door
Now testify
Now testify
It's right outside your door
Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
And the price is set
Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
And the price is set
Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
And the price is set
Mass graves for the pump and the price is set
And the price is set
Who controls the past now controls the future
Who controls the present now controls the past
Who controls the past now controls the future
Who controls the present now?
Now testify
It's right outside your door
Now testify
The war is right outside your door
Wars, political and economical power and degradation of quality of life and Health, is the cost from oil dependence. We all have cars that we consider so important that can't imagine our life without them. We are like we move in wheelchairs, unable to walk or cycling one or two miles for shopping of for work. But anytime that we fill it with petrol, we should rethink this vicious cycle: Our oil dependence and mousy convenient life, their terror, death, destruction somewhere in the world, away from us to get directly involved but also too close to be part and partial cause of their misery.
You can hear this song in youtube:
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
5:57 PM
1 σχόλια
Ετικέτες 90s decade, heavy metal, numetal, Rage Against the Machine
22 June, 2008
Piece of crap by Neil Young, Album Sleeps with angels (1994)
Photo was taken from
Tried to save the trees
Bought a plastic bag
The bottom fell out
It was a piece of crap
Saw it on the tube
Bought it on the phone
Now you're home alone
It's a piece of crap
I tried to plug in it
I tried to turn it on
When I got it home
It was a piece of crap
Got it from a friend
On him you can depend
I found out in the end
It was a piece of crap
I'm trying to save the trees
I saw it on TV
They cut the forest down
To build a piece of crap
I went back to the store
They gave me four more
The guy told me at the door
It's a piece of crap
A song about the bad quality and useless products that flood markets and advertising sites in order to be quickly worn out and you’re forced to buy other. It’s a whole discipline of science in capitalism to make non versatile products that will be worn out quickly in order to increase profits by decreasing cost of production (using cheaper but of bad quality raw materials, either for lower cost production or for quick wear for endless buying). The result is the deterioration of the huge environmental problems of energy consumption and waste production and disposal.
You can hear this song in youtube
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
12:28 PM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, hard rock, Neil Young
20 June, 2008
Album: Green by Forbidden (1997)
What is The Last Time?
Did you notice the sun had turned orange for the last time?
The last time...
Did you notice the moon on the seventh day?
The last time...
did you see the people gathering for the last time?
A past time...
And did you notice the rose, it has bloomed for the last time?
The last time...
Who truly understand the meaning of the symbols we're given?
It's a given
One bites the apple while another drinks unholy water
What is forbidden couldn't stop us from digging deeper
The dam is breaking, it won't hold us back any longer
Don't try to stop it cause the Sistine Chapel is gonna burn
Green - it's never enough
Different shades bought and sold, illusion control
Extortion incest
Greed - it's never enough
They're building us up while they're tearing us down
On their hands is the blood of the ones who had made them
Praise them, save them, break them
Eyes - they watch from inside
So in God do we trust? Paranoid? Not enough
Do you think that it's near?
Yes I do I can feel it
You can't believe in them or what they say
Their colors change
We should have never let them get away
My brothers
Green is in their eyes, green surrounds you
Lies, his story, our past
A lesson not learned, never changed, never learned
Passing on one by one to the lost generation
You can't believe in them or what they say
Their colors change
We should have never let them get away
My brothers
Save them, praise them, break them
True colors
Step to the plate or sit the fuck down and watch
Living to please ourselves
Rising up we will show the whole fucking world no
Nothing will keep us down
Try to write us off, write us off
Never giving up, never gonna give in
Try to kill us off
Never giving up, we never give
Ripping on trends cause they're used up whores it's slow
That's how we die on the floor
Mad at the world, not bitter and weak, hell no
Nothing can keep this done
Try to write us off, write us off
Never giving up, never gonna give in
Try to kill us off
Never giving up, we never give
Punching out the clock and our music is the paycheck
Living for ourselves we don't care about the outside world
Crawling out the cage, now the dog is gonna get some meat
The pain we must endure
Putting an end to the crap that you've heard cause now
Nothing will keep us down
Try to write us off, write us off
Never giving up, never gonna give in
Try to kill us off
Never giving up, we never give
Feed us..fetus..fetus..feed us
Over The Middle
Kicking your ass off the turf
Don't try to fight it, it ain't gonna work
Fuck no, it isn't, no way I'm missing
This time your going down
Fusion, a megaton load
Release of anger I'm cleansing my soul
bout time I did collision you're hit
You need to get knocked out
Another time, another place
and the faces are never the same
Every yard that I take I deserve you mother
Rush in, I break through the line
I'm running though ya, cause the ball is mine
I'm gonna take it, you can't protect it
I'll live to see your termination
Crushing I'm ready to kill
No time for thinking adrenaline fill
It's what's expected, won't be rejected
Don't get in front of me
Over the middle, you hear the footsteps
Over the middle, you see me flying
The power of God, the money, brutality
Pressure is on, the game is no game to me
High impact collision, pure determination
Full contact collision my exhilaration
Punching' out on the field
Knocked out unconscious, cause this is for real
No hesitation, no competition
I said you're going down
Fusion, a megaton load
Release of anger, I'm cleansing my soul
Bout time I did it, collision you're hit
You just sit the fuck down
In your face written in, carved in stone
Here comes that feeling once again
Pop the lid, down we go
Falling fast though the undertow
Missing link crossing path
Bleeding eyes see your fractured past
Point of your vision clear
You'll never...
Cut to the point leaving nothing to hide
Nothing to hide
Out of breath, out of time
You're out of time
You opened it up just to see what's inside
What's inside?
Seek your truth limb to limb
You'll wish you never asked again
Piled up in your mind asked again
Piled up in your mind you'll never...
Level the wall that you've built up inside
Pushed to far this time
Should have never opened it
Just couldn't let it sit
Should of never questioned it
Should of never opened that can of worms
When you popped the lid they crawl across the floor
Watch em writhing everywhere
They're everywhere
When you popped the lid did they fall across the floor
Watch em crawling everywhere
Pop the lid and down we go
It's everywhere, they're everywhere
pop the lid so now you know
They're everywhere, it's everywhere
They're everywhere
An album that criticizes human lust and greed. The title “Green” is about the loved colour of dollars and not that of Nature. No matter natural signs show that we have entered to forbidden areas, we still keep on digging deeper(track titled “What is the last time”) because we are blinded by greed and lust for money (selftitled track “Green”), we never give in and never give for restoring (track titled “Phat”), and we don’t hesitate to use uncontrolled powers for our purposes and dirty interests (nuclear energy (Track titled “Over the middle”) or any kind of toxins with unknown and non reversible impacts (viruses, biological weapons, or even GMO) (track titled “Kanaworms”).
You can hear track "Phat" among other songs in myspace
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
9:31 AM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, Forbidden, heavy metal, thrash
18 June, 2008
Album: Roots by Sepultura (1996)
Roots Bloody Roots
Roots Bloody Roots (x3)
I, Believe in our fate
We don't need to fake
It's all we wanna be
Watch me freeeaaak !!
I say, We're growing every day
Getting stronger in every way
I'll take you to a place
Where we shall find our
Roots Bloody Roots (x4)
Rain, Bring me the strength
To get to another day
and all I want to see
Set us free
Why Can't you see
Can't you feel, This is real
I pray, We don't need to change
Our ways to be saved
That all we wanna be
Watch us freak
One week of struggling
On the real world is..
So you can see !!!
Feel your soul and...
Shape your mind to warfare
It's all for real
Live your life
Not the way they taught you
Do what you feel !
Survive the jungle
Give me blood
Give me Pain
These scars won't heal
What were you thinking
What a wonderful world !!!
You're full of shit
Leave it behind
They don't care if you cry
All is left is pain
Can you take it ? (x4)
The only way
To get away
Kill your pride
I won't take it (x4)
So in the end
I want to see some respect
( I said )
You better show some respect
( I said )
Attitude and respect
Telling lies right into your face
Grab your soul and make a disgrace
Make you believe you're bigger than life
No one cares if you'll live or die
Waiting for the moment to strike
To take possession to take your heart
Turn your part into a farse
Without respect, without regret
Cut-Thoat (x6)
You promise this and promise all
Deep inside nothing at all
In a war of filth and greed
We don't need none of this shit
All I say that will survive
We know what's true, we know what's right
We're going through this till the end
And I know you're not my friend
Cut-Thoat – (x6) Fuck !
To give in - no fucking way
To give in - no way
So don't tell us it can't be done
Putting down what you don't know
Money isn't our god
Integrity will free our soul
Enslavement pathetic
Ignorant corporations
Breed Apart
Creepy crawl
On concrete and dust
Asphalt jungle
Piles of crust
Non sense thoughts
Inside the mind
What really means
What I want ?
Open up your mind
And go your own way
Straight old thoughts
To force you down
Raping rape
Breed apart
Open up your mind
And go your own way
For more justice
Amazonia burns
Can you hear them ?
I'll fight
To save another day
So join us
And we'll make them leave this land
To kill how we feel
(but) if we stop them it'll be worth dying for
When you go down motherfucker !
When you go down fighting !!
Why ? Why ? WHY ?
Endangered Species
Life !!
The struggle to survive
Crawling, raging
Feed the hate inside
Are we going to see another day ?
Are we going to make it all the way ?
Are we going to see the light of day ?
Are we going to make it till the end ?
Rise !!
Bad moon rise
Another war, another crime
End in sight
Bleak !!
Why & what the fuck ?!?
Shut your mouth, shut your mind, this the way
You're just another prey
Is that what we've became ??
RISE ! [8x]
Are we going to see another day ?
Are we going to make it all the way ?
Are we going to see the light of day ?
Are we going to make it till the end ?
Endangered Species [3 x]
Is that what we've became ??
An Album that is dedicated to the Amazon tribes that struggle for keeping their lands and traditional way of life against the deforestation and the invasion of any kind of corporations, ranchers, miners, loggers, developmental projects, etc. All traditional rainforest people suffer from loss of habitat and are forced to a meaningless hard life of unemployment, alcoholism, prostitution and exploitation in urban environments. We deal with such issues in their previous album Chaos AD, song “Kaiowas”. Let’s now see the situation of many other South American tribes, beside Guarani-Kaiowas, that face displacement, diseases and loss of their roots and their sometimes bloody struggle against the invaders.
We read in Brazzil com
Yanomami: Invasions and Death The dimension of the problem caused by the illegal presence of prospectors in Yanomami lands can be better understood from the indigenous people's perspective: the mere presence of a single foreigner can mean the spread of plague, and widespread death. For the Yanomami, the lack of immunity to ailments introduced by miners, the rise in cases of malaria, and their dependence on natural resources poisoned by mining activities has predictably resulted in numerous deaths. In addition, the lawless atmosphere of the mining camps has been characterized by prostitution and gun violence.
Over 1,000 gold-miners are now working illegally on Yanomami land, transmitting deadly diseases like malaria and polluting the rivers and forest with mercury. Cattle ranchers are invading and deforesting the eastern fringe of their land. Yanomami health is suffering and critical medical care is not reaching them because of corruption and incompetence in Brazil’s National Health Foundation (FUNASA). The Brazilian congress is currently debating a bill which, if approved, will permit large-scale mining in indigenous territories. This will be extremely harmful to the Yanomami and other remote tribes in Brazil. The Yanomami have not been properly consulted about their views and have little access to independent information about the impacts of mining. (Survival international)
Nambikwara: Loggers and Miners AttackThe Nambikwara people became known internationally when Brazil's military government decided to build a road from Cuiaba to the western outpost of Porto Velho in the heavily colonized state of Rondonia. Yet again, uncontrolled colonization brought epidemics, violence and death, this time upon the Nambikwara. They were relocated, and decimated. The few that remained fought to return to their traditional territory, and in 1990, the government finally registered 67,420 hectares as the Sarare indigenous area. …In addition, the mining camps had spread venereal diseases and malaria throughout the area.
Macuxi: Disappointment Twenty five years ago, Jacir José Macuxi and a few other prominent Macuxi initiated the struggle to demarcate their 1.6 million hectare territory (Raposa/Serra do Sol) in northern Brazil, on the torrid savannas of the Venezuelan border area in the state of Roraima. There too, gold miners and ranchers had taken hold and were spreading Falciparum malaria, a deadly strain of the disease that was steadily killing off the people. "Many people fell sick," says de Souza. "My wife was one of them, and she died." In 1995, the government even proposed to build a dam inside the area. Then, backed by state government leaders, the invaders of Raposa Serra do Sol voted to form a new municipality inside the indigenous area.
“Since Lula came into office, things have only gotten worse for us," said Jacir Jose de Souza, a Macuxi Indian chief who is also director of the Roraima Indigenous Council. "He's deceitful, very unreliable. He's worse than the last government because he says one thing and does another." (NY Times)
Parakana: The Mahogany Battle Indian territories in the Amazon are often the last repositories of precious woods and other natural resources. Knowing this, illegal loggers do much of their work on Indian lands. For the Parakana people, who inhabit the Apyterewa indigenous area in southern Pará state, particularly for youths, contact with loggers has translated into dependency, alcoholism, and exploitation as the result of the illegal smuggling of mahogany. Six months ago, the Brazilian state issued a federal decree that imposed strict restrictions on the logging of mahogany. But the Amazon is big, and the enforcement of such legislation daunting. …The Parakana Indians, however, have organized to help federal agencies in the task of curbing invasions and preventing the exploitation of the hardwood. In 1993, they destroyed machines and other tools of the Perachi timber company as a means to intimidate invaders. This timber company, one of the largest in the region, defied the public powers by illegally exporting mahogany and, in the process, devastated 5,000 hectares of indigenous territory to open pasture areas.
"Tens of thousands of tons of Peruvian mahogany are imported into the US for luxury dining room tables, household trimmings and automobile dashboards," Ari Hershowitz, of the Natural Resources Defence Council (NRDC), said. "But Americans have no idea that buying mahogany contributes to the destruction of the rainforest and threatens the people who live there. People are dying - it is a crisis right now."(Common Dreams org)
You can hear some songs from this album in youtube
Roots Bloody Roots
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
12:39 PM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, groove, heavy metal, Sepultura, views and written texts
17 June, 2008
Postcard From Planet Earth by Skyclad, album: Oui Avant-Garde A Chance (1996)
Sorry it has been so long since you received my last transmission,
meanwhile I've studied them - learned about their strange condition.
Now I think I understand why they live in such confusion,
sadly they'll never change - I have come to this conclusion....
Planet Earth is great to visit - It's great to visit
(but you wouldn't want to live there.)
I am the mariner who navigates seas celestial,
astronaut ambassador sent to foreign shores terrestrial.
Now with hindsight I admit I don't admire the humans' lot,
frail bodies - fragile, ill equipped, their lives are hard (but they are not).
Planet Earth is great to visit - It's great to visit
(but you wouldn't want to live there.)
And when you know the ways of men
then you can only pity them,
every day a raging storm -
castaway in a carbon based life form.
I've wandered far (I've wondered hard) and have one source of comfort only -
when I share my thoughts with you mortality is not so lonely.
Countless starts between us - myriad the things I miss,
I say farewell and think of home, the static drowns my parting kiss.
Planet Earth is great to visit - It's great to visit
(but you wouldn't want to live there.)
And as your signal slowly wanes -
the fears return (my growing pains),
here it is for what it's worth -
yet another postcard from planet Earth.
Now with hindsight I admit I don't admire the humans' lot,
frial bodies - ill equipped, their lives are hard (but they are not).
Planet Earth is great to visit - It's great to visit
(but you wouldn't want to live there.)
And when you know the ways of men
then you can only pity them,
every day a raging storm -
castaway in a carbon based life form.
Planet Earth is great to visit - It's great to visit
(but you wouldn't want to live there.)
A song about how planet Earth would be perceived from the point of view of an extra terrestrial tourist visitor, or even from an "Intergalactic travel agency" prospect. A warning about an exotic planet that has too many social and environmental problems that makes you to choose it to spent your holidays but not to choose to live permanetly there.
Another song from this album about the human/environment relation is Master Race. But that is cover of a New Model's Army song, that we present here
You can hear a song from this album
Great Blow For A Day Job
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
10:03 AM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, folk rock, heavy metal, Skyclad
13 June, 2008
Science Never Sleeps by Skyclad, Album: Irrational Anthems (1996)
Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab-coats draped over big black lies.
They cover their stupidity by calling it "stupology",
rearrange your world without one word of apology,
Make a man-made-soul so small it fits inside your pocket,
when you die they'll shoot it up to heaven in a rocket.
We've made tommorows world - a Nirvana for the damned.
We've made tommorows world - Mother Earth on Fatherland?
We've made tommorows world - we're the cause and the effect.
We've made tommorows world - could George Orwell be correct?
Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab-coats draped over big black lies.
Science never weeps - for the life beneath the microscope.
We are the human amoebae that helplessly float
in a final solution - suspend in hope.
Let me show you something hideous,
insidious, creeping and libidinous.
The worst laid plans of men with mice,
wielding scalpels - laboratory sacrifice.
Great for the economy - destroying our ecology.
Unscrupulous, malicious - yet chemically delicious.
Science never sleeps - so I'm singing it a lullabye,
of wolves in sheeps clothing - devils in disguise,
and lab-coats draped over big black lies.
Science never weeps - for the life beneath the microscope.
We are the human amoebae that helplessly float
in a final solution - suspend in hope.
Will we shiver in dark centuries of cryogenic winter,
or be vaporized to ashes when atoms start to splinter?
A case of heads or tails - it's their coin so they can choose,
breed creatures born with two of either so they cannot lose.
We've made tommorows world - a Nirvana for the damned.
We've made tommorows world - Mother Earth on Fatherland?
We've made tommorows world - we're the cause and the effect.
We've made tommorows world - could George Orwell be correct?
A strong criticism to the role of science nowadays, it’s arrogance, it’s methodology of amoralism by the reduction of the phenomenon of life into simple pieces of matter in order to manipulate it, all in the fake vision of “progress”. This methodology, based in wider accepted concepts and certain socio-political contexts of power and control leads to the development of whole disciplines that are completely destructive to nature, health and sustainability. We discussed the forms scientific disciplines take in Sepultura’s song Biotech is Godzilla.
In some verses (We've made tomorrow world - Mother Earth on Fatherland) there is also a reference to the patriarchal context of science development in our societies, that of seeking for social power and control by war and violence, male social values that were imposed somewhere in the far past in societies by displacing matriarchal institutions of peace and equality (female values) (see our views for Nevermore’s Matricide) . Science, under such context produce freaky disciplines of terrible war machines of mass extinction, chemical of biological weapons, ways of “scientific” mental and body control and torture, environmental devastation or pollution for multinational corporations interests and greed.
Another barbaric and totally unscientific method that still holds today is the vivisection. No matter that millions of animals are submitted to untold suffering for useless tests (The worst laid plans of men with mice, wielding scalpels - laboratory sacrifice), no matter the hazards to humans caused by tested drugs in animals (see also our comments to stop the vivisection now by oi polloi.
You can hear some songs from this album in youtube
Inequality street
History Lessons
We read in Encyclopaedia Metallum:Skyclad is a pagan term for ritual nudity, meaning literally that the practitioners are clad only by the sky, due to their highly nature-oriented beliefs.
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
11:44 AM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, folk rock, heavy metal, Skyclad, views and written texts
12 June, 2008
Matricide by Nevermore, EP: In Memory 1996
Hear our Mother crying in silent tears
For she can't speak, she only cries
She cries to me
Draw the final curtain, for senseless thoughts
And senseless hands have shaped the future
Is it not what you thought would come?
Or maybe people no longer care for Mother Earth
Earth Mother is screaming, we can't live without her
No time left for dreaming here, she knows
Have we forgot our future?
Earth Mother, life giver, we can't live without her
So foolish, men who say they don't care
They'll be gone anyway
Feel our Mother nurture, for we are the children
Suckling at her breasts she gives us life,
she give us all we need
What do we give in return for life we take from her?
Oh, forgive us Mother, forgive us
For we know what we do
We've blistered and burned you
Our kind may soon be through, we've raped you
Earth Mother is screaming,
we can't live without her
No time left for dreaming here, she knows
Have we forgot our future?
Earth Mother, life giver,
we can't live without her
So foolish, men who say they don't care
They'll be gone anyway
Earth Mother is screaming,
we can't live without her
No time left for dreaming here, she knows
Have we forgot our future?
Earth Mother, life giver,
we can't live without her
So foolish, men who say they don't care
They'll be gone anyway
Think of our little ones,
for whom the world has just begun....
A lament about the destruction of environment. Earth is our mother and life giver, but people commit matricide. Of course people don’t kill Earth, they only commit suicide, but the song has a matriarchal narration that recalls us theories of visions of matriarchal societies in primitive ages that live in harmony with nature, giving her the form of a female godess and live relatively in peace and social equality, and were vanished by patriarchal invaders who imposed their culture of war, violence, male prevalence, hierarchy and gradually removal from Mother Earth’s embrace. God is male, violent and now he lives in the sky, not in earth.
In reality, such narrations seem not to be completely a myth. Many researchers refer to ancient remnants that shows a clear discontinuity boundary between former matriarchal and relatively peaceful small scale societies and later patriarchal societies based in violence, kingdoms of power, and urban expansion that their impacts are still present in social evolution.
Gimbutas' findings reveal an ancient widespread culture which flourished throughout Europe between 6500 and 3500 BCE, in the era historians call the Neolithic. This civilization was radically different from images of kings, warriors, and conquering gods that previously dominated our view of the past. "This was a long-lasting period of remarkable creativity and stability, an age free of strife. Their culture was a culture of art." -- Marija Gimbutas
Her excavations and interpretations show, at the dawn of civilization, a society stretching across Europe from the Danube to the North Sea in which women had high status and power along with men. Egalitarian and peaceful, "Old Europe" existed for thousands of years without war. Hundreds of female figurines were found. Paintings, sculptures of birth-giving goddesses, pottery figures of bird headed deities and sacred serpents all honored the regenerative powers of nature.
"The Goddess in all her manifestations was a symbol of the unity of all life in Nature. Her power was in water and stone, in tomb and cave, in animals and birds, snakes and fish, hill, trees, and flowers."
-- Marija Gimbutas
A systematic review of archaeological and historical materials suggests that patrism first developed in Saharasia after c.4000 BCE, the time of a major ecological transition from relatively wet grassland- forest conditions to arid desert conditions. Settlement and migration patterns of patrist peoples were traced, from their earliest homelands in Saharasia, to explain the later appearance of patrism in regions outside of Saharasia. Prior to the onset of dry conditions in Saharasia, evidence for matrism is widespread, but evidence for patrism is generally nonexistent. It is argued that matrism constitutes the earliest, original, and innate form of human behavior and social organization, while patrism, perpetuated by trauma-inducing social institutions, first developed among Homo Sapiens in Saharasia, under the pressures of severe desertification, famine, and forced migrations.
You can hear some songs in you tube:
Believe in nothing
What tomorrow knows
I voyager
Enemies of reality
Final product
The river dragon
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
8:46 AM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, heavy metal, Nevermore, views and written texts
10 June, 2008
Album: The Tankard by Tankard (1995)
A distinctive album by Tankard where the majority of the songs have to deal with sociopolitical and especially environmental issues.
Grave New World
Melt to the beat of the drum
Melt to be one, to be one
What thou were, what thou be
Creature of the hatchery
Not a man reeling free
Bear this mark of destiny
Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta
Is the song that society sings
Soma coma, fucking by numbers
And consume as much as you can
Free from love, free from hate
Sterile and stable
Urge and instinct channeling
Feeling disabled
Pour the genes into the mould
Of what is needed
Engineer conformity
The pool is weeded
No more devils, no more heaven
Grave new world
Free and killing or bound and willing
Slave or savage
Dear the calm weighed in souls
But the matter goes untold
What was one man's alone
Multiplies in wretched clones
Endless columns,
mother of sameness
Breeding life in a clinical way
Fear of flowers, learning and playing
For the ones
that are meant to be slaves
Factoried, standardized
Humans conditioned
Play the part
that they're ascribed
No free decision
No More doubt, no more quest
Nothing but answers
Whispered twenty million times
Til all believe them
We are clay in the hands
Of those who make us
In a vision not our own
Blindfolded robots
God is dead, man is god
Above his fellow
Nothing here's an accident
But you will not know
A song inspired from the novel “Brave New World” but the title turned to what such a sterile of true life world is: A grave new world, where people were transformed to working robot-like humanoids, in technical everlasting happiness (soma –happiness pill for any inner mental disturbance), without needs, emotions, intellectual pursuits, questions about society, etc.
Mess In The West
Out in the west, where the coyotes rest
Lives Ed on a dusty little ranch
400 miles from anything that smiles
Just snakes, tumbleweed,
and countro tapes
Barrels in an old mine,
waiting for the right time
Seepage into waterways and wells
"Cactus got a red head
and my chicken all dead,
I got green spots itchin' me like hell"
High life in the desert wasteland
There's a big mess in the west
Dioxin or heavy metal
It's a big mess in the west
Dump now you'll be payin' later
For the big mess in the west
"FUCK Inc., preaches ecology"
Boss smiles, holding up recycled cup
But in the night, when evil's out of site
His waste goes on west and disappears
Meanwhile in the distance,
Ed is kinda' pissed and
All his cows are growing funny horns
Ed is losing his hair,
and he's full of despair
"Christ Almighty, everything is wrong!"
Out in the west, where the coyotes rest
Lived Ed on a dusty little ranch
400 miles from anything that smiles
Just snakes, tumbleweed,
and country tapes
Ed was taken east
and noone ever missed him
Had no kids, no relatives, no wife
Then he was dissected,
data were corrected
But they won't be published on hour life
A great song that speak bluntly about how heavy polluting corporations throw their toxic waste in desert places (old mines, rivers, water sources, etc) where noone sees them, and in order to keep an environmental friendly image they use mass media for showing fake hypocritical spots or leaflets either for recycling, or for donations to environmental organizations. But years later, toxicity hits cattles, or even people because pollution has entered in the food chain and life cycles.
Atomic Twilight
Today it is quiet and peaceful
Year 2045, life in the domes is easy
Hermetically sealed,
keeping mankind alive
The outer regions are poisoned
The radiation's high
Ashes and dust are falling
Deadly heat, the planet is dry
Hellish days, toxic and infectious times
Atomic twilight outside
Nuclear gods, you brought us here
Dragging our would into fear
Hellish days, atomic twilight outside
It started just by testing
Some new technologies
Providing peace and balance
Back in those years
it did sound good to me
Now with the memories fading
I can't remember too well
But jealousy in our hearts
Wiped out reason, security failed
I went out again this evening
To watch the violet night
But my blind eyes don't see anything
Time is up, I feel the cancer inside
A futuristic vision of mankind living in domes underground in order to be protected by nuclear radiation that spread through the lands either by war of by peaceful use of nuclear energy. A blind survivor having cancer, recalls back and thinks how stupid they were, when they believe that nuclear energy would bring peace and security, so they gave their consent to develop extensively such a technology.
Fuck Christmas
Christmas time is here again
Time to give your cash to them
At the cross is where we'll meet
Leaving presents at his feet
Buy your gifts in harmony
Feed the Christmas industry
Fuck Christmas! All the time
Now I've got my yuletide pride!
Fuck Christmas! All the time
I've got Jesus on my side!
Fuck Christmas! Fuck Christmas!
Fuck Christmas! All the time!
Jesus came and Jesus went
Look at all the cash we spent
Mother Mary you will see
Never bought a Christmas tree
Christmas is for me and me
I give only to receive
Christmas time is here again ...
He was fuckin' born in August anyway ...
An anti-consuming song that focuses in the number-one celebration of consumerism, that of Christmas. Billions of money that could be used for social issues are thrown in vain these days only to feed Christmas industry and some of our false needs.
You can hear some songs in youtube
A song from this album that critisizes people's apathy:
Minds on the moon
and some more:
The beauty and the beast
The morning after
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
9:34 AM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, heavy metal, Tankard, thrash
09 June, 2008
Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead, album: The bends, 1995
Her green plastic watering can
For her fake Chinese rubber plant
In the fake plastic earth
That she bought from a rubber man
In a town full of rubber plans
To get rid of itself
It wears her out, it wears her out
It wears her out, it wears her out
She lives with a broken man
A cracked polystyrene man
Who just crumbles and burns
He used to do surgery
For girls in the eighties
But gravity always wins
It wears her out, it wears her out
It wears her out, it wears her out
She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My fake plastic love
But I can't help the feeling
I could blow through the ceiling
If I just turn and run
It wears her out, it wears her out
It wears her out, it wears her out
If I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted all the time
A great song about the fake plastic world of consumerism. Consuming only for consuming; things, even relations and emotions, are reduced to disposable, single use items. In concrete deserts that are called cities, nature is reduced to plastic plants that are eternal "blossoming" (only as long as we don't get bored with them and throw them away as rubbish for buying another one). Plastic surgery for elders, because we refuse the natural vulnerability of our bodies, even life cycle. The fake plastic immitation of eternal youth is privileged everywhere. But true life is vulnerable, no matter how many plastic covers of youth we wear.
You can hear this song in youtube:
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
12:29 PM
1 σχόλια
Ετικέτες 90s decade, pop, Radiohead
06 June, 2008
Love Canal by Flipper, album Blow’n chunks 1984
We set sailing
Floating down the love canal
We set sailing
Drifting down the love canal
We seem strange
Our bodies are breaking down
We are breeding
Our children look like monsters
We are breeding
Not to children but to monsters
We feel pain
Poison is killing our every cells
We are bitter
Poison is killing our very cells
We are dying
Our common grave is the love canal
We are dying
Our common grave is the love canal
A song about the Love Canal Disaster in USA. We have performed a song by Dead Kennedys (Cesspools in Eden) about the same case. You can read about this case in wikipedia
You can hear this song in youtube and in myspace
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
12:46 PM
Ετικέτες 80s decade, Flipper, punk
05 June, 2008
The Right To Choose by oi polloi, split album with blownapartbastards, 1994
Are we to go back to the days of victoria
will we so easily surrender the gains we made so far
back to an age of repression hypocrisy and lies
forced into the back streets as another freedom dies
No! no return to the back streets
Christian fundamentalist right wing nutter
claim to respect life soon show their true colours
abortion clinic doctor gunned down in the street
is this the sanctity of life they claimed to belief
No! no return to the back streets
Thousands more will die back street abortion
the bloody human consequenses if we do not resist
the bombings and the terror well what do you think
your future as a breeding sow chained to the kitchen sink
Fight or loose the right to choose
another song against the abolishment of abortion and in defense of women's right to choose. The hypocrisy of those who claim that they defend unbornlife is that they usually support wars and they don't hesitate to commit even murder in order to terrorize doctors who made abortions. We have discussed again the same issue here
In this album Blownapart bastards appear with the song "Convinction" about non-violent direct action. Unfortunatelly we could't find the lyrics.
You can hear some songs in myspace
04 June, 2008
Blackwhole by Winter, EP: Eternal Frost, 1994
December approaches its dark depths
Decorate my fears
Alluring shadows of unrest
Drawing near
Pain and pleasure
Once captured the devil's[?] fear
The place of doom shall pierce my heart no more
Frost historic[?] winds blown by reddest[?] rage
We rape the earth
Polluting minds
Enforce the laws
[something indecipherable]
Replace the forest
With concrete and steel
To the darkness
With my [a] shadow [something indecipherable]
Tears of anguish foreclose
My heart is condemned
Separation of immortality laws [lies] within
Storms caused by the dark lord
For eternity return no more
Witness the [something indecipherable] winds
Dreams now reality
The season [s] buried for ages
Released by false greed
A heavy and doom song about nature destruction from a quite unknown band with only one album and one EP. Unfortunately, many parts of the lyrics can’t be heard clearly.
You can hear some songs in youtube
Eternal Frost
Into darkness
Power and might
Servants of the Warsmen
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
1:05 PM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, death metal, heavy metal, Winter
03 June, 2008
Album: World Demise by Obituary (1994)
Don't Care
Go on don't do well.
Where I feed the living hearts.
I got a torch to light.
Feel these melting fires burn.
I don't care what they say.
I don't care.
I'll do what I want.
I am by your side.
Tell me you think what to do.
No way. I don't fear and slow down.
Your following in my grave.
I don't care what they say.
I don't care.
I'll do what I want.
Your ways I despise.
Your thoughts, "Get with your own kind."
We've got fumes to behold.
Setting, one size of fortune
Farewell to great friends
These will face the burning sun.
Tattooed shadows lifted.
Fear not, light the burning plague.
I don't care what they say.
I don't care.
I'll do what I want.
Bright lights sear his face.
Pitfalls twisting.
Call me far from cause
I survived through all this hell.
I don't care
I don't care.
Don't care.
I don't care.
Don't care.
I really don't care.
World Demise
I have found
You have found
Before you living groan
You got to pay
Live for life
Follow My steps
Existing to die...
Following in My steps
Do live out all My life
Do remain in constant fear
Going to sigh
And hasten to burn
Rock the one who finds
Paid to live...
With the light
Fall to two
Lies great demise
In silence
Counting graves lives foul
Go to die
Come to burn
World Demise
Go wilt die
The shocked earth groans
World Demise
Pay for [Me] to go
Live to die city grave
Found that life wont pay
With ...
What's wrong with your mind
Kill thoughts set Me ...
I dont care to go
Just leave Me to die
Face scorn live for dying
Face scorn to be as one
We fall and set for discard
Do what the numbers say
To see the ways and forces
They like to see Me die
.. like riches for
Step forth to be my lord
To be my lord
.. reach his fall
Set for to be My ...
Even need time to spill
We found the killing bone
Found to expose the waste
Disrespecting future change
Face scorn live for dying
Face scorn to be as one
We fall and set for discard
Do what the numbers say
Final Thoughts
Final Thoughts
So long to you
Just lost the blow, so long to you
So long to you my friend.
Fell thoughts of souls descend.
The final thoughts
Final thoughts [X3]
So long to you my friend.
Might be is this the end.
The pain hurts the fear inside.
The kill be the weak to ride.
The countdown to fossil down.
Show me the candles meltdown.
Shallow graves in the architects of life.
Laughing at the years of endless crying.
You fear pain.
Your blood
Fear pain I'll die.
You fear pain I'll die.
Final thoughts.
So long to you my friend.
Might be is this the end.
So long to you
So long to you
Final thoughts.
Obscured pessimistic lyrics, typical of death metal genre that take environmental meaning because of the general attitude of this album: Both album cover and the video clip (don’t care) have pictures of environmental disasters. The first two songs have also slight references to images of mass destructions. A distinctive death metal album that uses the death attitude of the genre and lyrics for social and environmental awareness. We read in encyclopeadia metallum a fan’s comments who interprets many songs of this album as focusing on certain environmental issues:
….The guitars are always low tuned and the first track, Don’t Care, contains lyrics a bit different from the past albums: this one talk about pollution in the world, the decadence of the nature, killed by the men. From this song they took a video, the first in their career. ….
One of the Obituary’s most important characteristic is the use of some gloomy noises during or at the beginning of the songs’noises that can come directly from polluted cities, abandoned factories and so on. Explosions, metallic noises, so dark and weird. They contributed to give something darker to a music yet not so happy. Great. ….
Splattered and Final Thoughts are songs dedicated to all those motherfuckers, bastards that kill animals for their skins, brutal photos can be found in the booklet of the CD, about people with AIDS, children that play in a dirty, rotten places and so on, a good picture of our dying planet.
You can hear some songs from this album in youtube:
Don’t care
World demise
Solid state
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
12:02 PM
Ετικέτες 90s decade, death metal, heavy metal, Obituary
02 June, 2008
Album: Earth, Sun and Moon by Midnight Oil (1993)
In my shoes, in my shoes
There is so much to remind me
As the stars come out above me, home
Cool wind, clear my head
Bright sun grow my food
Strong rain clear my heart
Fill my land
Its a new day
I dont know why it is sold
Dont know why its so cold
In this life that we live
New day, new day, new day
In my shoes, in my shoes
There is so much to astound me
As the whirlpool spins around me, home
Bushfire, burn and grow
Sunset watch and rest low
Long night holding child close, feed my dream
Its a new day
I dont know why it is sold
Dont know why its so cold
In this life that we live
New day new day new day
Its larger than life, darker than death
Were gonna move those mountains aside
Here come the messages
Probably a lament-song about the loss and destruction natives’ lands and natural landscapes for mining of other industrial uses.
Earth sun and moon
In the morning we will wake up and take to the air
Look back at the planet - Im glued to my chair
Southern half is burning as we climb through the cky
Sea birds softly falling, smoke way up high
Theres the contours of the mountains, the deserts and plains
And a hurricane is blowing, and it turns once again
Now theres oil spills in the water where columbus once sailed
And theres history and mystery and its rolling away
I wish you could see this great mystery
Earth and sun and moon, human tribe, thin blue line
Earth and sun and moon will survive
Sediment is flowing from river to sea
Now where are the mighty nations, no lines to be seen
An axe upon the broken ground the sigh of the trees
And its floating in the ether, it brings me to my knees
Too messed up to care
Anyone got a wing and a prayer
In the blink of an eye
Thank you and goodnight
Earth and sun and moon, human tribe, one thin blue line
Earth and sun and moon will survive, will survive, we will survive
Watching in apathy the environmental destruction.
Drums of heaven
By the time the luminous descent of the bright star unfolds
And tablets of strange love are shattered and bruised
By the time the oleander has fallen from bloom
And the tears of the crocodile water the sun
By the time you make up your mind
If ever you do
I hear the drums of heaven too
By the time paradise alley is littered with rust
And the arc of the dayglo is curtained in gloom
By the time the kidney bone cities are crumbling to dust
And the empires and all of the emirates burn
Ice on the mountain
Wind and the dust storm
Sails in the desert
Its old and exploding
Seers and the prophets
Drums of heaven
Feeding frenzy
Well Im as old as the hills
And young as the day
Nobody sees things, in quite the same way
Computers and shovels, churches and brothels
Mannequins and skeletons, cities and dustbowls
Here we go here we go again
Hear the clamour of the feeding pen
New day new way all my friends can say
Cyclone fences in the cybernetic orchard
Miracle drugs, discount bulk purchase
Sacred in the forest, fast food in the kiosk
Cardboard dinners and the saints and the sinners
I dont want to run and hide
Ive seen it all from either side
Truth and fiction must collide someday
God knows, God knows, God knows its been fun
Ah, sweet sensation, the oldest temptation
Now throughout the ages, weve been a turning all those pages
Now each generation youve got to choose a new location
Got to reach out, got to sync up, build up, get up, to a stronger foundation
God knows, God knows, God knows its been fun
Looking at face the contradictions of life, society and environment created by humans and their falsified perception of privileging in their minds/imagination of only the side they like to see.
Now or never land
I grew tall in this lucky land
And I thank God for that, but theres needles in the sand
Ozone in the eucalypt and on the steppes tonight
Theres pushing and a shoving on the throne tonight
Its a rhythm of the sea
Lost islands of hope
Its a rhythm of the sea
Who will discover you
But I wont be down at heel cos my senses lead me here
Dream a south-pacific dream of now or never land
Its now or never land
Rises in rivers in power of the sun
Rises in sea level, look out mammons bastard son
Infidels are praying at the stock exchange
Chrome camels are crashing on the smooth terrain
Its the rhythm of the sea
Lost islands of hope
Its the rhythm of the sea
Someone to carry you
But I wont be down at heel cos my senses lead me here
Dream a south-pacific dream of now or never land
Suitcase full of good ideas, history thats filled with tears
Kill nostalgia, xenophobic fears
Its now or never land
Chant to end
Observing natural phenomena, some of them are caused by human greed, like rise of sea level.
Renaissance Man
Well I told you about the forest and trees and the chlorophyll green
Yes I told you the birds will endure flutter wings dance on leaves
Hold onto dreams, hold onto dreams tonight
Well I told you about the high pressure cell coming down on the breeze
And I know that the things you can't see they are hard to believe
Hold onto dreams, hold onto dreams tonight
A new world order has been formed
Between the cheque book and the dawn
A new renaissance man is born
Renaissance man are you ready
Renaissance man
Renaissance man are you ready
See what a world that you can make
Well I heard about the spirit of life is it flickering still
Yes I heard that the dark bellied angel's come running up the hill
Hold onto dreams, hold onto dreams tonight
Smash and grab the women and child
All the souls are growing wild
Stripped so bare well the universe stares
It's so close to home that we got to share with you
So many genuine things surround you
Wild weather man well it still confounds you
Cast away the greed and death machine and bytes
And abacus and lights and hold onto your dreams tonight
So you found a hard won friend
To hold your hand and hold your head
A new renaissance to defend
Hold onto dreams, hold onto dreams tonight
Where are we going to be, in 3033
What's spinning round your brain
Are you a renaissance man or are you a renaissance woman
If you jump out an angel will give you wings
Wishes for the birth of a new human conscience towards his relation with Nature
Theres a road train going nowhere
Roads are cut, lines are down
Well be staying at the roma bar
Till that monsoon passes on
The backbone of this countrys broken
The land is cracked and the land is sore
Farmers are hanging on by their fingertips
We cursed and stumbled across that shore
I hear much support for the monarchy
I hear the union jacks to remain
I see namatjira in custody
I see truganinis in chains
And the world it wont stand still
Blue collar work it dont get you nowhere
You just go round and round in debt
Somebodys got you on that treadmill, mate
And I hope youre not beaten yet
I hear much support for the monarchy
I see the union jack in flames, let it burn
I see namatjira with dignity
I see truganinis in chains
Another song about the destruction of social network of native people by colonization, the remaining power of monarchy, thereduction of life to poverty, meaningless consumerism and bad working and living conditions.
You can hear songs from this album in youtube:
My country
In the valley
Blue sky mine - Renaissance Man
Αναρτήθηκε από
candiru - stratis aigaiopelagitis
12:14 PM
1 σχόλια
Ετικέτες 90s decade, Midnight oil, pop